Monday, November 9, 2015


Today is the start of what I feel would be another life changing stage for me as I level up with my career. Although I have fears of neglecting a lot of plans and some commitments in the future because of this, I feel that I wouldn't regret anything because if the people really care, I would appreciate if they constantly check on how am I doing whether I'd be okay or not.  

I find this also a different kind of outlet of what I have been feeling for the past week. However, it is still a blessing in disguise since it made me lean on poetry writing last month. Even though I seldom write poetry recently, I know I can always go back to writing poetry again or a short story or maybe a novel? You'll never know sometimes where our minds and hearts take us as long as we let out what we feel inside!

Anyway, there is something I want to write about but I cannot express it much due to fear of feelings (there goes that word again!) being revealed and for those who know me much, they can easily connect the dots! This is the reason why I feel that my writing is like having no direction at all but as long as I write something, I can at least vent out a bit of what's going on inside me. This is also my so-called unlocking that writer's block or is it really? Right now, all I can do is hope for the best and have to end this article now 'coz getting late and need to catch some sleep. 


Just bear with my content and I know I will be able to write rich content soon as long as I do it!



Wednesday, November 4, 2015


It’s been a long time since I have written on this blog. Still, as I write my thoughts, I don’t know what to put on it. 

Perhaps I got what they call a writer’s block or maybe I am just not that fully equipped yet to write a paragraph type as of this moment. Whatever it is, writing is one of the things that give me relief aside from singing my lungs out in the shower or doodling, drawing. 

Lately, I have been inclined to writing poetry. Inspired? Maybe but I am not ready yet to reveal it to netizens since I feel it is too personal and intimate.

Join me again in my journey through this blog. :)
And then I try to write something about the weather or nature but it just does not come out beautifully or something that could not pass my taste. SO, I guess it really has to come from the heart wherein I feel it when I see it. 

Take example, if I want to write about nature, I have to immerse myself and then feel it. Or after immersing myself, I have to close my eyes, imagine I am in that place again so that I can vividly describe in writing what I felt at that moment.

For now, nothing much to say. Maybe a few reflections to write on for the next few days and what I have been up to lately. :)
