Monday, April 30, 2012

Kerygma Cebu Grand Feast Culminated My Long Weekend

with Bro. Migz Ramirez
Once again, my long weekend is truly blessed as it was culminated with my attendance at the Kerygma's Cebu Grand Feast! The event's main speaker was of course, the man who started the Light of Jesus and Kerygma's Feast all over the world as well as the Philippines' top Catholic Preacher, Bro. Bo Sanchez!

Mama's office mates
It has been months since I last showed up at the Feast due to my new work schedule. In fact, I never expected to grace the event tonight but I believed God intervened when our company announced that today will be a non-working day in exchange of tomorrow's Labor Day holiday. At the time of our employer's announcement about the holiday, I got distracted for a plan to go to Bohol for the Tagbilaran Fiesta and to bond more with cousins too. As I checked the schedule, it seemed impossible since I have to be back on May 1st right away. My mom reminded me and announced with delight that I can attend the Cebu Grand Feast! I felt like someone or something poked my head saying, "Hey, you'd love to go to the Feast, right? This is your chance". So, I set aside the trip (anyway, I went there already the other week) and pushed through with the Feast!

The place was already jam-packed with a few seats left at the back when we arrived. Still, everyone didn't mind and raised hands as they cry out to God in worship and praise. Two things I've learned about Bo's talk on undergoing a detour in our life: 

1) Remain faithful -despite whatever we are going through right now, the most important thing is to remain faithful in our goals and dreams as well as remain faithful in God. We should bloom where we are planted and who knows, it would pave the way to reach our goal.
2) Remain Open - in lieu with blooming where we are planted, we should be open to possibilities. As the saying   goes, "When a door closes, another door or window (of opportunity) opens."

What's most important is we bounce back and just declare "All is Well.." because God is at our side and something better is coming along!

YFC campus-based friends
Indeed, my weekend was well-capped with blessings! The Cebu Kerygma Grand Feast defined my long weekend.! Check out more pictures here!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Celebration 2012

The Lady of Manaoag Rosary Center
The giant image of the Child Jesus just outside the chapel 
A taste of lechon to celebrate Easter!
Ice cream and cake for Easter!
It was finally Easter Sunday yesterday and as usual, most roads lead to the beaches or pools. But our family did the not-so-usual that day. No, we did not just stay home or go to the mall, we went to visit a shrine instead. It's the Our Lady of Manaoag Rosary Center located in Carmen, Cebu up north. It's actually the same image as of the Lady of Manaoag in Luzon. The plan was to go to the beach after but passing through coastlines along the road not one beach side was not full or crowded. So, we decided to stick with just visiting the shrine alone. There were three of us who visited the shrine for the first time and the rest of the family had been there before. We did the usual thing though and that was of course pray and wrote our petitions on a paper and drop it off together with an offering. After praying the Holy Rosary, we were all starving and had lunch on one of the sheds on the parking lot. Each one of us were carried an extra clothing just in case we'll make it to the beach but it was still okay even if it didn't push through. I believe, we celebrated in a more meaningful way through that visit and what's more important was we celebrated it as a family!

Happy Easter! :-)

Photo credits goes to Mark Jimuel Castillo

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Holy Week Plans

Today, while the whole world is enjoying April Fool's Day, the Catholic Church commemorates the Palm Sunday which marks Jesus' proclamation as King of the Jews despite the negative reaction of authorities. This also starts the Holy Week where we remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross. In the Philippines, it signals the main summer vacation where everyone goes somewhere to relax or perhaps just have fun and enjoy the long vacation! As for me, I am quite disappointed because I thought our vacation starts on Monday or Thursday is still understandable but we were told last week that the only day we won't have to work will be on Friday and the rest of the weekend. On a second thought, at least it'd still be three days with no work. So, what's the fuzz about it? I plan to really plot my a long-term plan for my life. Yeah, I haven't written one yet. Maybe I had one but it was vague or it was all just in the mind ( I still have to check my stuff!). Aside from that, I wanted to pray more. Yup, pray more and do the usual stuff we've done with family for the past years. I guess I have to plan carefully what to do for the week since time is still limited.

That's all for now! Enjoy the Holy Week! 

Cheers! :-)