Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Holy Week Plans

Today, while the whole world is enjoying April Fool's Day, the Catholic Church commemorates the Palm Sunday which marks Jesus' proclamation as King of the Jews despite the negative reaction of authorities. This also starts the Holy Week where we remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross. In the Philippines, it signals the main summer vacation where everyone goes somewhere to relax or perhaps just have fun and enjoy the long vacation! As for me, I am quite disappointed because I thought our vacation starts on Monday or Thursday is still understandable but we were told last week that the only day we won't have to work will be on Friday and the rest of the weekend. On a second thought, at least it'd still be three days with no work. So, what's the fuzz about it? I plan to really plot my a long-term plan for my life. Yeah, I haven't written one yet. Maybe I had one but it was vague or it was all just in the mind ( I still have to check my stuff!). Aside from that, I wanted to pray more. Yup, pray more and do the usual stuff we've done with family for the past years. I guess I have to plan carefully what to do for the week since time is still limited.

That's all for now! Enjoy the Holy Week! 

Cheers! :-)

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