Saturday, December 29, 2012

Triple L's for Today

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift that's why it's called the present." -Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)-

I was just watching a local television show this early evening entitled Wansapanataym which airs shows that have morale/lesson. Today's episode was about a child who joined a singing contest on television that was supposed to be her way to stardom but was sabotaged by the defending champion of that contest. Fast forward, she grew up resenting that incident which resulted to her trauma in singing and especially when hearing her then song piece. Her best friend (whom she met after that incident) gave her a gift for the anniversary of their friendship which happened to be a magical ornament that could turn her back to time and let her see the future as well. She realized that by changing what happened affected her present and future including the most important people in her life. She begged to go back to what really happened in the past as long as her loved ones are intact and alive. In the end, she got successful together with the people that meant to her!

This reminded me of the film we watched last 12th of this month entitled "Meta Secrets" and the quote that says, "Stuff Happens!"

Indeed it does and it happens for a reason. 

I call this the Triple L I've learned today:

Learn from the past, live with the now and look forward to the future.

Cheers! :-)


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