Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thank You CFC Youth for Christ

This week marks the 20th anniversary of CFC Youth for Christ as a Catholic Christian community for the youth. I don't know what would've become of me if I weren't part of it at those times. It would perhaps be different but not that I would be totally a violent or bad person maybe I would still find a way to get involved in a community like YFC (Youth for Christ) but I believe God placed me in it for a purpose.

My first CFC-YFC ILC in 6th YFC ILC conference in
 Los Banos City, Laguna
Anyway, one of the things that I can pay tribute to CFC-YFC was honing my talent in singing and exploring other areas like dancing, stage management, traveling and leadership stuff! Most of all it helped keep a personal relationship with God. Oh, did you know that it moved me as well to serve in Gawad Kalinga? Yes it did! Though a lot of things already changed, those good and bad times made me grow as a Christian as well! 
One of the YFC ILC's in Bacolod City

Once again! Thank you CFC Youth for Christ and more power to our mission to introduce Christ to the world! 

Cheers! :-)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Mind The Gap

The talk last night reminded me of the sign "Mind the Gap" in Australia's Train Stations whenever we wait for our train ride. Obviously, it means that we should be careful not to step closer over the yellow line gap that separates the edge to the railway which if you go over it would cause you to fall off or perhaps kill you if a train comes unexpectedly. 

In the same way, the talk was entitled Gift of Gap wherein we have to know how to respond to our feelings. An example is  when we experience anger towards a person and saying something hurtful to him/her without a second thought or perhaps sending an angry text message to a receiver and eventually regretting what you've done it. But too late, because the receiver already has evidence of how a fool you've been in doing such a thing. 

Photo credits here
Some people would wish that if only they could turn back time to change that moment where they got tempted to have an affair or killed someone out of anger and pride. Their is unbearable as they see their children suffer the consequences like having a broken family or growing up without them due to being imprisoned with a crime they committed.

THis Easter, the Gift of Gap is given to us which is the wisdom to handle our emotions but be emotionally detached and responsible. We may not experience  Easter yet in some areas of our life that could sometimes disrupt our feelings and be tempted to be mean due to pride and anger, let us remember to Mind the Gap  and rise up from our adversities!

Happy Easter! 




Rise up from your financial crisis and let money work for you online!


Part of my Holy Week was spent serving the Paraisong Pambata Program at the Bayani Challenge 2013 in San Remigio and at the rest of the days with family. I just want to honor those people who have spent the week wholly or partly (like me) at the Bayani Challenge to help build our nation through this activity.

Although, this is already late, I just want to impart an excerpt of a reflection I have read during our Visita Iglesia last Holy Thursday when we did the Station of the Cross which is in relation to the work we did at the Bayani challenge.
Picture taking with Phil. Army volunteers on the last day
Photo by: Teza Ramos

This is from the Reflection of th 7th Station: Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus Carry the Cross (MAKING THE WAY OF THE CROSS MEDITATIVELY BY MOST REV. FR. RUPERTO C. SANTOS)
" One of our Filipino customs is the bayanihan. This is one of the best qualities as a nation...We do all these because we are a loving people. Christ offered His life for us because He loves us. It is a beautiful response to Him if we continue to practice the 'bayanihan' and 'damayan'."

For me, this is an affirmation that we are on the right track and all we went through during the Bayani Challenge will never be put to waste. It has created a  spark in the hearts of our beneficiaries and fellow volunteers that will hopefully soon become bigger and spread like wildfire!

A salute to all the heroes and may we continue to build our country in our own ways!

Brace yourself next year for as we take on 300 strong provinces for the Bayani Challenge 2014!

Cheers! :-)