Monday, April 1, 2013

Mind The Gap

The talk last night reminded me of the sign "Mind the Gap" in Australia's Train Stations whenever we wait for our train ride. Obviously, it means that we should be careful not to step closer over the yellow line gap that separates the edge to the railway which if you go over it would cause you to fall off or perhaps kill you if a train comes unexpectedly. 

In the same way, the talk was entitled Gift of Gap wherein we have to know how to respond to our feelings. An example is  when we experience anger towards a person and saying something hurtful to him/her without a second thought or perhaps sending an angry text message to a receiver and eventually regretting what you've done it. But too late, because the receiver already has evidence of how a fool you've been in doing such a thing. 

Photo credits here
Some people would wish that if only they could turn back time to change that moment where they got tempted to have an affair or killed someone out of anger and pride. Their is unbearable as they see their children suffer the consequences like having a broken family or growing up without them due to being imprisoned with a crime they committed.

THis Easter, the Gift of Gap is given to us which is the wisdom to handle our emotions but be emotionally detached and responsible. We may not experience  Easter yet in some areas of our life that could sometimes disrupt our feelings and be tempted to be mean due to pride and anger, let us remember to Mind the Gap  and rise up from our adversities!

Happy Easter! 




Rise up from your financial crisis and let money work for you online!

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