Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Them with the former drummer, minus the keyboardist and the other vocals

Sorry this is the only angle I took shots

I am supposed to write about last Friday's gig that I was invited to but nothing came out of my head. Even now, I still don't know where to start but a friend last night who has also been writing urged me to just start and everything will just follow. So here I am starting to pour my thoughts.

As said earlier, I got invited to a gig from a Cueshe band member who was also a friend. Although most of them were members of the band, they did not actually disclose that they were that Band (they called themselves Cue Project) and as much as possible avoided singing their originals but in the end, they sang a few as friends who were also fans requested and sang along with them. It was a fun-filled night as most of them were my brother's batch mates and so were three of the band mates, it seemed that everybody knows every body. For them, it was sort of a reunion! So, their set of songs were capped with some originals. Although they were short with two members, I was glad to hear them perform live since it was also my first time to see and hear them play live ever since they became popular.

After their repertoire, everybody still jammed with the next band that played until the wee hours of the morning. Although I haven't seen them for quite a while in the music scene, I believe that their heart to play and make music is still there. Therefore, I look forward to seeing them play and touch the hearts of their fans.



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