Sunday, May 29, 2011

Choosing To Stay Home

This weekend I missed two activities (I still would choose one of these if I did not give up both): Gawad Kalinga Leaders Conference in Bacolod and our SFC chapters's activity today. Yesterday was supposed to be my late Papa's birthday also. Of course, I chose to latter. I knew my Mama would have plans even if it's not a grand celebration or meal treat but there were some plans. Indeed, the whole family including cousins and other household members went to the Simala Shrine in Sibonga yesterday to visit and pay homage to the Miraculous Mama Mary. It is also our way of commemorating Papa's birthday since he loves to visit the shrine when he was still alive. 
If the activities have fallen on a different date (Papa's birthday), I would have gone to either of the two activities. Indeed it was a blessing in disguise that I could not afford at this time to travel or attend activities with fees (I sure can soon!). I love to travel or go out but sometimes I just want to stay home and do nothing or do something else worthwhile like writing this blog. No regrets...I chose to stay home this weekend. :-)

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