Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sinulog Week 2013

One of the things I prayed during the Sinulog Festivities was to have a good weather during the procession on Saturday. It could rain but not so hard that the people have to walk their way through floods, it can be sunny but the heat shouldn't get us scorched or at least it's got to be windy! Nevertheless, let His will be done!

with fireworks in the background exploding like
meteor showers!
It was two years ago at this time when it rained hard during the procession that we have to make our way through the floods on the way to the Basilica! But despite of the heavy downpour, heaps of devotees to the Holy Child Jesus still attended, stayed and danced in the rain after the mass with drenched clothes! That moment defined the fiesta as it proved the unceasing devotion of the people to Sto. Nino. Personally, the prayer I mentioned above is quite selfish since it is for me to remove a bit of discomfort we usually experience during these times but I have to keep in mind too that I have promised myself three years ago also to take every drop of rain as a sign that blessings are on its way and never complain when it comes unexpectedly!

On the Sinulog Day, it dawned on me that there were a lot of income opportunities to choose from! Good thing, I didn't stayed much at home as I usually do and I also did some vending although it was not that much but this is another thing I should keep in mind, ALWAYS LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES either  to serve, earn, sell or even to do random acts of kindness and love to others!

Cheers and Pit Senyor! :-)


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Reflections on the Sinulog Procession

was not able to get through the church grounds
but managed to finish the mass outside the gates
I was having second thoughts if I will join the procession yesterday or not but since there is no reason for me not to participate, I just did and it was good to hear mass again in the Basilica during the eve of its fiesta ( I used to hear mass after the procession before at the Cathedral) even if we were just outside the church gates due to so many people attending the Holy Mass after the procession. I also felt that I fervently prayed more than before compared to the previous Feast of the Sto. Nino processions I have gone before! 

trying to tkae a good shot of the fireworks through the banderitas!
Though I was really praying I couldn't help notice the crowd who joined from different walks of life! I could feel the joy overwhelming among us as the image of the Holy Child Jesus passed by before the mass was about to start. We were waving our hands and closed our umbrellas to drench ourselves with the pouring rain as a sign to receive the blessings that we believe God will be giving all of us since we have taken part in the feast celebration for the past two weeks (no, not necessarily completed). I myself, did my crying in the rain that time!

The dancing continued together with the fireworks after the mass ended. It was indeed a fulfilling day and there are no regrets that I joined the procession because I believed that I was even more blessed!

Pit Senyor! :)


Sunday, January 13, 2013


I looked up through a glass window inside the mall last Friday and was shocked to find a pouting lady on the reflection. So, I told myself "Hey there, smile because something beautiful is about to happen tonight!" 

Well, I was on my way to an activity in our Singles for Christ cluster entitled "Something Beautiful" at the Parklane International Hotel. As the title says, it was indeed beautiful!

with sisters from our unit!

At first, I dreaded the thought of having to be grouped from different chapters but the moment I entered the hall, it felt home again and the rest went on beautifully!

Rene and Glezil Verano one of the couples who shared
their beautiful love story
It was during the cocktails that we met up with brothers and sisters from other chapters from which we were assigned and it was great to meet and greet these beautiful people! Then, we settled to our seats to listen to the most beautiful people I've known that night starting with our dear cluster head Kuya Roy Luna followed by several sharing of brothers and sisters who imparted something beautiful that happened in their lives, loves , career, family and health. 

Inspiring sharers (3rd & 4th from left) Gege and Tristan Abando,
Ate Sarah Lim (the pretty lady wearing a bandana)

All of them were inspiring and I can attest to that because two of the  pretty sisters sitting beside me can't hold back their tears (hehehe)! One sharing that struck me though was my former household head and chapter head Ate Sarah Lim's sharing that despite what she has gone through all these years as a SFC member and Leader she says, "I never doubted that I am beautiful!" With the sickness that she's got, she reminds herself still that God loves her! I believe I was affirmed by Ate Sarah's statement that there is something to smile about because God loves me, God loves you and God loves us! 

What could be more beautiful to hear but that!

Let us all be reminded when we feel like frowning to just SMILE, GOD is has something beautiful for you! GOD loves you! 

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you."
-Song of Songs 4:7
May GOD be praised! 

Cheers! :-) 

Photo credits: Chem Florentino and Ryan Cabanlit (event design)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fun 2013

I took this shot ! :-)

And I thought the 1st day of 2013 would be just another ordinary day but thanks to relatives from Davao who took a quick visit to our home and our choir where we had a shared dinner along our road! 

Bonding such as these are so valuable more than any other worldly things! Besides, what worth are the material riches if you can't share it with anyone?
Make way for the Pizz!

Once again, Happy New Year! 

Thank You Lord for blessing our relationship with family and friends! 

Cheers! :-)