Monday, May 20, 2013


Photo credits here
"Little birdie in the sky,
Dropped a poopooh in my eye
I didn't scream, I didn't cry
I just thank God that cows can't fly!"

This was a text message that I received from a friend way back in college and Youth for Christ. It just popped out of my mind this morning and chimed to my choir mate when she got almost hit of a bird's waste inside the church while we were singing our hearts out during the mass. She was amazed by the rhyme but I told her be thankful that cows can't fly 'coz you can just imagine if they did, and their manure fell off your head.. (ugh, sorry for that gross imagination)! Oh well, God indeed is clever and it amazes me how He made things such as it is!

Now, this also reminds me of a magazine foreword/message from Bo Sanchez in his Kerygma magazine about being grateful even if it is difficult. In relation to that, I am going through difficult times for almost two (2) months now and a lot of times I complained but I would snap out of all the grumblings going through on my mind and immediately say sorry to myself and to God then, thank Him right away for all the little things He has blessed me a midst the difficulties I am going through. 

So, in every difficulty, there is always a reason and it will come to a close! As what Bo Sanchez wrote,
 "Be grateful for the blessings behind your trials!" 

I am just amazed at how much I still remember that quote above on thanking God that cows can't fly. Funny as it may seem but it really makes sense! 



Thursday, May 9, 2013


A few minutes after I woke up, my throat felt itchy again and a wheezing sound as I breathe for a fresh morning air from the comfort of my bed. Then, it happened. I started coughing rigorously! "I thought it was over last weekend!", I said to myself. What made me upset though was the fact that my mom noticed it and of course, just like any other mothers in the world, she chattered endlessly on my sleeping late for the past two weeks! Made sense!

I was indeed stressed and sleeping late almost every night plus the scorching heat outside, it was really impossible not to catch cough or cold.

Then it hit me, health should be one of the things that is non-negotiable because it could also cost your career or success! Besides, I have other things planned for my money instead of throwing it all away into  hospital bills! Also, who would want to buy my wellness products if the clients find myself not feeling well, right? So, now I just have to slow down as well. The past three weeks has been like a rat race for me! It is one of  my emotional Why's that keeps me going to drive through success! As they say, Health is Wealth so better work on it now than pay later! 



Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Three weeks ago, I was introduced to a new business.Since this was introduced by a BFF (Best Friends Forever) and the fact that we are the pioneers, I immediately said Yes! I had grand plans how to expand it especially with a little know-how on Social Media and Internet Marketing, I believe I can do it! I shared it of course to my friend. I don't know how he "sold" me to our partner because he bought the idea anyway and I ended up getting pressured! Lol! Anyway, I thought it was easy but just like other start up businesses it was really hard. Although I learned some stuff, I still had hesitations and held back.

For the past three weeks, I have mixed emotions on what I have gotten myself into! I really felt the pressure especially when those times that I have to excuse myself because I have to attend my prayer meetings and GK! These are actually the things that I consider non-negotiable especially that they are one of the WHY's that I have to expand my wealth and create my first million this year! So, I meditated, prayed and cried my heart out to God if this is really something that He wants for me and if I am really on the right path!  If I am, why do I feel restless and disturbed?

God didn't answer yet. Not until two Saturdays ago, when I attended a seminar and a prayer meeting last Thursday that I knew I was on the right track. Until now, I am still a work in progress as I explore this new venture (well, not really but the difference is I am doing my best to work it out unlike before), I also realized that God is teaching me something here knowing that I am seriously committed to make this work and I have to unlearn and relearn things. Most of all, I can stare into the sky and know that my God is with me!
