Monday, May 20, 2013


Photo credits here
"Little birdie in the sky,
Dropped a poopooh in my eye
I didn't scream, I didn't cry
I just thank God that cows can't fly!"

This was a text message that I received from a friend way back in college and Youth for Christ. It just popped out of my mind this morning and chimed to my choir mate when she got almost hit of a bird's waste inside the church while we were singing our hearts out during the mass. She was amazed by the rhyme but I told her be thankful that cows can't fly 'coz you can just imagine if they did, and their manure fell off your head.. (ugh, sorry for that gross imagination)! Oh well, God indeed is clever and it amazes me how He made things such as it is!

Now, this also reminds me of a magazine foreword/message from Bo Sanchez in his Kerygma magazine about being grateful even if it is difficult. In relation to that, I am going through difficult times for almost two (2) months now and a lot of times I complained but I would snap out of all the grumblings going through on my mind and immediately say sorry to myself and to God then, thank Him right away for all the little things He has blessed me a midst the difficulties I am going through. 

So, in every difficulty, there is always a reason and it will come to a close! As what Bo Sanchez wrote,
 "Be grateful for the blessings behind your trials!" 

I am just amazed at how much I still remember that quote above on thanking God that cows can't fly. Funny as it may seem but it really makes sense! 



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