Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's been more than three years now that I have practiced hearing mass almost everyday. Almost would mean, missing only once or never in a month. Lately, I'm trying to tweak my schedule in going to church whether it would be better to hear mass after work or after I wake up or going to work (work is night shift). Today, after having breakfast, I decided to hear mass at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral so that I won't have to worry anymore before going to work later. I was having second thoughts but nevertheless, forced myself despite a rainy morning.

When I arrived, I thought there was a wedding schedule and took a look at the billboard schedule which I thought I was too early because I arrived before 10am and the next time would still be at 10:30am. But when I entered the church, I saw several priests, rounding up and taking their seats at the altar. Then, I remembered that it's almost the feast of our Lady of Immaculate forward during the homily, it was then that I knew that it was His Eminence Cardinal Vidal's (as Archbishop Palma calls it,) intimate celebration of his anniversary of Episcopal Ordination or in simple terms, ordination as priest? That, I'm not so sure. Anyway, moving forward, Cardinal Vidal was the former Archbishop of Cebu replaced by Cardinal Palma, was the main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration where he read his homily regarding his priesthood. As what I have understood in his homily, he had held several positions as priest and member of the clergy and he is thankful to the Lord about it. But, he reiterates also that it is not really about the position that he held that would be important and it won't matter to the Lord when he meets Him at the end of his lifetime because what would matter was how he has served and loved the people that was given for him to take care of. He would be judged on how he lived his life not on the positions. 

It was also before the end of the mass that I knew (thanks to Archbishop Palma) that Cardinal Vidal has been constantly following up the canonization of Cebu's very own Blessed Pedro Calungsod wherein if that happens, even if he is retired would still be in-charged in the canonization process which he accepted the challenge and jokingly said that he doubts that his own beatification might be delayed because of his kakulitan on Calungsod's sainthood.

I even felt more blessed after kissing Cardinal Vidal's ring after the mass. Indeed, I am thankful that I pushed myself to attend mass this morning instead which turned out to be a heavenly experience!

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