Friday, September 23, 2011

Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones

Who would want to be negative all the time?  I for one, never like even the idea of it. But due to some circumstances in our lives, it is really inexcusable that we can think about it and more often than not, it would happen even if we don't want to. However, there are techniques to turning negative thoughts into positive ones .
Here's an example:
1) Whenever I want to have a safer travel: I should say, "I have a Safe Trip" instead of saying, "I will not meet an accident"
2)To get more sales: I should say, "People listen and buy from me." instead of "I will not be rejected"
3) On being punctual: I should say, "I will be early." instead of " I will not be late".

These are just few of the examples I could give as of now. So, why should I prefer the first statements instead of the latter ones? Simple. It affirms us positively. According to one of  the videos of The Secret, the universe does not really recognize the "not, don't, wrong, etc or all other negative will just recognize the words after it..most likely, we will really get what we ask for especially those words I highlighted and in Italic form..Let us guard our words and turn our negative thoughts to positive ones by simply removing the don'ts, wrongs, nots and no's. as much as possible. Believe me, it worked for me but as of now, I still have to work more on it.

I decided to share one of the videos (although this is not specifically the one I've watched) and hope it helps. This is courtesy of course from The Secret. Enjoy! :-)

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