Monday, June 20, 2011

Market Trends

While waiting for a friend in national bookstore, I was browsing every book I could hold of and I would usually got stuck with books that entails self help and getting rich! Once again, I felt like I am in a dilemma of what I really want!

Then, it occurred to me that I really want almost everything especially when it comes to new trends. The moment I see something that is new I would more often than not try it and that's the time that I would realize if I'd want it forever or not. Usually, I would want to keep that way but then it's either I found another new trend or I could not afford it. But yeah, I usually cannot afford it. But since I learned about positive thinking and focusing on what you want, I would shove off the thought that I will never afford it instead I feed my mind that I could soon afford it. But the question is, how badly do I want it? or need it? If it's bad enough, then I go for it. However, there is a thin line between a want and a need so the practical side of me would sink in and think about it.

Now on the practical side, I stumbled upon the 2011's 10 trends that could help boost the business. According to the Business Insider, it could change our business. I know this is quite passe' since it's already the middle of the year now but I am writing this for my sake as well to remind me of these changes. I 've got businesses on the side and who knows it might actually help my career path too! Also, I believe it is also applicable in the Philippine business setting. So here they are and not according order:

1.  Creativity and Innovation is the Key - I believe we are not just creative imitators but great innovators as well. But when it comes to inventions and innovations, we just have to shop around for those businesses who are willing to go for creative minds because almost all of them will be favorable for these people!

2.. Opportunity Blossoms Again for Baby Boomers as they Age - I have heard about baby boomers back in my college textbooks but I just realized now that they are those with the same age as my mom's (yeah she's already a senior citizen but she doesn't look like one). Based on my observation, most business establishments make sure that they are senior friendly. And yes, there are gadget innovations as well that are already senior citizens-friendly! Way to go!

3. Travel and Tourism - I should say that there is a love-hate relationship between travel and tourism in the Philippines because the current events would somehow make a big impact especially if it deals with foreigners being taken as hostage,or a major calamity, etc. On a larger scale, Philippine tourism still spells big money as Filipinos get innovative on to attract more visitors!   

4. Online Shopping - more and more Filipinos are getting sales leads online or what they call as online traffic. Although majority still prefer shopping physically but for people on the go and for those who want to buy their favorite foreign brands and even those who want to buy overseas anywhere in the Philippines, this is the answer! 

5. Home Renovations and other establishments- our house is under repair and so were other houses in the neighborhood and of some friends. So, I reckon hardware stores are feasting as well as carpenters! Everywhere I see, condominiums and buildings are on the rise ready to be occupied as soon as they are done.

6. Healthcare - "What course are you taking?" a freshman would answer, "Nursing". It's still everybody's course in this country despite the rumors that its demand particularly in the US has declined. Since it is the number 1 high paying job outside the country. But people should open their eyes that there's more to healthcare than nursing. Peace!
7.Age of Man - as a member of a religious youth organization before, male headship was highly encouraged and I will not be surprised if men will dominate still in the corporate world despite the girl power thing.

8. Small and Green - I have been using organic products way back in 2009 and I haven't stop since then. I got my inspiration from fellow dealers of Human Heart Nature as well. It even inspired me to write a blog about it. Aside from going green as one of the trends today, it is somehow helping small farmers in planting healthier produce for environment's sake.

9. Luxuries at an affordable price - who wouldn't want that? We, Filipinos think practical more than ever. So a few renovations and value-added services in a business won't hurt but attract more clienteles and customers.

10. Physical Fitness - Zumba is one of the newest workout I've heard while I was in Australia and was amazed at how fast the traveled in the Philippines (I was only in Oz for a month). As people want to eat  healthier and become environmental advocates, they might as well include fitness in the package!

There's a lot more of trends and it is still changing even as I write it 'coz as I've said earlier this was from an old article. We just have to look around and surf so we will get a cutting edge in the market! 

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