Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On Being Alone

Despite the nature of man not living alone or looking for a partner or companion, there are really times that we need to get aloof to reflect. More often than not, the reason would be to get in touch with our inner self or simply get in touch with God intimately.

I should say that during these times that we want to be alone, there are numerous times also that we long for the people that we get used to or those people that we missed or have not seen for a long time as well. So, being alone even for a short while could spell out heaps of realizations on our part. Thereby, we get to be wiser on our decisions or it can make or break important things too.

We better make sure that after a while of aloofness, we should check our insanity if it is still intact or else, let's just hope for the best. :-)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride of Life

The past two years has been quite a roller coaster ride for my career. Probably it was the choice that I made in the first place after I resigned from my work last 2008. Then there's this dilemma of becoming aware of what I really want to do and luckily, I know now what are these things. Although I have achieved some of them but I claim for the day that soon I would totally fulfill it! A lot of options still are laid out and  I am excited as I get on a  new career option again! This time, it really more time and financial freedom. I believe that what happened the those years have a reason and looking back, I should say that there are no regrets but just lessons learned.

In life, there is indeed an up and down just like a roller coaster does, every time we are about to go down, our stomach feels uncomfortable and we feel a different high as we go up again. Now, I am ready more than ever for whatever challenge is ahead of me for I know that despite all crap, God would still be on my side and take care of the rest. I wouldn't be afraid to make a mistake anymore because what matters was I tried.  :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It really takes courage for a person to be encouraged to do something whether it be to eat, read, write or even invest time and money. However, trust is also important since even before we encourage the person, more often than not, we must gain the people's trust or else we are going to get a lot in trouble.

I have been investing in various things but right now, I have learned my lesson that I should be cautious as well as assess myself if I can really work on it. I usually just invest without knowing what the catch or real score sometimes. But right now, I am sort of careful now on what it has in store for me yet without sacrificing the chance to grab the opportunity too! Sounds tough huh? I believe trust and courage should go hand in hand when it comes to investing so as not just to protect the investor but to also gain trust from them so that a long term relationship as a business partner will take place. :-)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Success Surge

If Northeastern part of America is preparing for a storm surge, I am preparing for a so-called Success Surge! I am calling it this way.. not because I want my success to be just a One time, Big time thing but because I want to  show to the people who have been challenging me, that I can do it but of course, not just because I am being challenged but also to fulfill my dreams as well.  Also, it will initially create an impact but in the long run it will just be a usual thing since people would now believe of the dreams they create even though how impossible it may seem at first.

One of the things I would do is create habits that would trigger my success. I believe it is already happening now and that it will never stop from here! I still have a long way to go but all I gotta do is believe, believe, believe. Of course, the most important things are actions and prayers! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Exploring and Getting Focused

This blog is supposed to be an area where I express a positive attitude but please allow me just for today to rant about the negatives I am hiding inside:

I guess disappointments are part of life and I just felt I disappointed someone today. I have never felt so worthless and disappointed myself for not being productive. I admit, I really don't feel like working most of the time anymore..Perhaps it really happens to the best of us. Sometimes, although not so often, $#!+ happens as they say..So, I reflected on what went wrong. Probably i was not too focused on it or I am carried away with the fact that I am not happy with the job anymore. Now, I declare to be more focused and if it still wouldn't work, then, maybe..just maybe..I really have to let go..But as they say, the rainbow appears after every rain or storm. In the same way that at the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold, I believe I already have found what I'm looking for but for some reason, I just could not feel it yet. Perhaps again..I should explore more... :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to Service for the Nth Time!

After several attempts to join some GK activities, I finally managed to attend two the past week! The task was to help the volunteer visitors get profiles from the GK Homeowners in the Gawad Kalinga Amazing Village in Tak-an, Budlaan, Cebu City with regard to health. Cebuano volunteers are needed to speak to the homeowners in Cebuano/Visayan dialect and write or translate it in English.

The name of the group is SEALNet group which stands for Southeast Asian Leadership Network.  A group of volunteers from different Universities  like Cambridge University, UCLA, Stanford and others collaborate to implement projects for Southeast Asian countries. For their current project here in the Philippines, they have chosen Cebu particularly Gawad Kalinga Cebu to be the beneficiary of this project which is to grow awareness on hypertension and other chronic diseases. So, they need to profile a part or if possible the entire community to know how far they are aware of the chronic diseases and draft a campaign out of the results from the interview of the families. 

I get to meet them last Tuesday which as they  introduce themselves with the community and probably get a "feel" with the place. I was excited as well because it has been maybe a year since my last visit to the site.   I met again the kids I've served before as well as meet new little angels from the Sibol school. Yesterday was the exciting part because it was interview time! I was assigned alone and so were others who they thought could manage without a Sealnet member so that volunteers could interview more families. For the group discussion, together with some Sealnet members as well as Cebu volunteers and two home owners, we  managed to finish the whole community profile. Yehey! The best part is yet to come since they will be conducting a Medical Mission Fair next week.

I hope I would get to serve again in GK. It is one of my reasons why I am aiming to succeed so I can help more and serve more! :-)

God will Make a Way

Last week, I almost gave up my job over an offer for something that I loved and dreamed of doing. However, the job was only good for two days. A lot was at stake including the salary of my current job which I haven't claimed at that time. I also had booked activities which the scheduled gig falls but I was willing to drop it then. My friend who called me to do the task suggested that I need not give up work first but just call in that I won't make it to report on those days since it's not worth yet to give it up just for a two-day gig.

A week before that, I had a week-long leave from work due to fever so not showing up again for another two days will already lead to necessary disciplinary action or termination. It was a tough decision for me because I am torn between being practical over something that I wanted to do. Again, the practical mind won as I gave away the opportunity. Regrets? Perhaps...yes...but I believe that it might not yet be the right time or maybe it was..I don't know.. if it's really for me..God will always make a way and the universe will conspire as well!

Again, I'd like to thank my friend for trying and I look forward to work with you soon! :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bum Week turned Productive Week

Wedding Shower of Rob-Charisse and Aezel-April  
This week was Bum Week because I just usually stay at home for not feeling so well yet I could also say that I had the time of my life because it meant sleep and eat mode only. Actually, it wasn't totally a Bum Week 'coz I still equipped myself with some knowledge through attending yesterday's activities such as Dealer's Assembly in the morning (good thing it was such a late morning activity) and Mutual Funds & Stock Market Seminar. I believe all were investments so it was not a waste of time and money!

A week before that, I also get to meet old friends. My, how time flies! Some have changed and some haven't..not even a bit! But it truly was good to see them again!   Today was just spent doodling on the laptop: writing and surfing! Bum Week turned into a Productive Week after all! Looking forward to this week to be more productive! :-)