Monday, December 31, 2012

Great 2013 To All!

A Great 2013 to all!

Welcome 2013! Looking forward for all the blessings that are about to break in from the clouds and pour on me! Woohoo! Tnx for all those people who shared good and challenging times with me! Bless you, bless me, bless all of us! ♥

Cheers! :-)


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Triple L's for Today

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift that's why it's called the present." -Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)-

I was just watching a local television show this early evening entitled Wansapanataym which airs shows that have morale/lesson. Today's episode was about a child who joined a singing contest on television that was supposed to be her way to stardom but was sabotaged by the defending champion of that contest. Fast forward, she grew up resenting that incident which resulted to her trauma in singing and especially when hearing her then song piece. Her best friend (whom she met after that incident) gave her a gift for the anniversary of their friendship which happened to be a magical ornament that could turn her back to time and let her see the future as well. She realized that by changing what happened affected her present and future including the most important people in her life. She begged to go back to what really happened in the past as long as her loved ones are intact and alive. In the end, she got successful together with the people that meant to her!

This reminded me of the film we watched last 12th of this month entitled "Meta Secrets" and the quote that says, "Stuff Happens!"

Indeed it does and it happens for a reason. 

I call this the Triple L I've learned today:

Learn from the past, live with the now and look forward to the future.

Cheers! :-)


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Agents of Change

Yesterday I mentioned about my awesome 12-12-12 day!

Today I will be talking about something that I have learned from someone in the

corporate world when it comes to a national depression like the World War II.

This is also in relation to the upcoming so called end of the world this 21st

of December 2012.

I have read about John Gokongwei's Commencement speech to some Ateneo Graduates a few years back where he summarized his rags-to-riches story.

One of the things I have learned was the time when the Philippine economy was bad after the 2nd World War, he realized one thing and that was that almost everyone (if not all) was of equal status mostly due to the aftermath of the war. Instead of complaining to the changes like the others, Mr. Gokongwei saw opportunities needed for a then recovering economy.

In relation to this, this is what we should do whatever happens on the so-called doomsday which is to just find the opportunities to answer the needs of people. honestly, I refuse to believe that it's going to be the end of the world on that that because I still have tons to do and most of all I'd still want to meet my li'l niece in Australia next year!

So, whatever it takes, I'm just gonna go on with my plans and along the way look for opportunities to answer to people's needs and prepare myself to become an agent of change, not a victim of change!

Cheers! :-)


Friday, December 14, 2012

Awesome 12-12-12

A great and awesome 12-12-12 to everyone!

I always look forward to Wednesday Washday for free seminars and lectures on life and successes with different live and on video speakers!

It is just one of these Wednesdays that I did my best not to be late for the activity since the topic is about the sequel to the film The Secret entitled The Meta Secrets! I haven't really memorized the numerous natural laws mentioned (gotta grab a copy yet to review on it) but one of the laws I have remembered is the Law of Correspondence which states that everything corresponds according to your actions that's why if you notice that in the word Attraction the last word reads action meaning..You attract what you act upon! That was one thing that stuck to my mind!

Now, there's this video also I wanted to share that about Psy of the famous song Gangnam Style in relation to Nostradamus' prediction! I find it scary at first yet funny! Check out the video!

Meanwhile, most of us suggested then that we got to let the Psy's Gangnam Style video reach a billion before 2012! Whether we believe not, why not watch it anyway? Lol! You may watch it here!

But wait, there's more! This makes 12-12-12 day more awesome (for me) since it's the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the form of a pregnant Mother Mary to a member of  the Aztec tribe in Mexico by the name of Juan Diego in the slopes of  Tepeyac Hill! For me, it is one of the most significant day of all her feast  days (if not the most) because of the significant date of course! This actually marked the conversion of the Mexican Indians who destroyed their local temple and built a Chapel for the Blessed Virgin Mary.  That's the true meaning of the 12-12-12 day!

Cheers for an Awesome 12-12-12!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Awesome Workshop

Had an awesome day yesterday and I thought I would miss it due to my tardiness(booohh meee!). I don't know with others but for me, the Basic Adobe Workshop conducted by a friend Hanz Florentino at the Radical Academy (check his website too!),  will surely work wonders with the artist within more than a video can! I believe that I have learned a lot from the workshop and it was really worth it! Indeed, it was tooo awesome to be missed!

Everyone can learn if he has the will and the talent.

But of course, practice still makes everything perfect!

Have an awesome day ahead! :-)
one of my plates...:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On Closing and Opening Doors

Indeed, when we close a door, another one opens!

I have thought of my decision for the longest time already. Good thing, I was exactly a year by then as an employee of my previous company. Although, I thought I would be let go a little bit later after I gave a heads on  not renewing my contract. It will always be hard to say goodbye. Heaps of people would perhaps criticize me for the decisions made but mind you, I am at peace! It also scared a lot of me as to where I should get finances to some obligations paid the moment I left the company.. On the other hand, there was no time to sulk about my situation because I believe God brought me people whom I enjoyed being with! The past weekend was really fun! There may be times I am tempted to worry more of my status but I just brush it off and offer it to Him. Indeed, God has been taking care of me for these past few days! 


Monday, April 30, 2012

Kerygma Cebu Grand Feast Culminated My Long Weekend

with Bro. Migz Ramirez
Once again, my long weekend is truly blessed as it was culminated with my attendance at the Kerygma's Cebu Grand Feast! The event's main speaker was of course, the man who started the Light of Jesus and Kerygma's Feast all over the world as well as the Philippines' top Catholic Preacher, Bro. Bo Sanchez!

Mama's office mates
It has been months since I last showed up at the Feast due to my new work schedule. In fact, I never expected to grace the event tonight but I believed God intervened when our company announced that today will be a non-working day in exchange of tomorrow's Labor Day holiday. At the time of our employer's announcement about the holiday, I got distracted for a plan to go to Bohol for the Tagbilaran Fiesta and to bond more with cousins too. As I checked the schedule, it seemed impossible since I have to be back on May 1st right away. My mom reminded me and announced with delight that I can attend the Cebu Grand Feast! I felt like someone or something poked my head saying, "Hey, you'd love to go to the Feast, right? This is your chance". So, I set aside the trip (anyway, I went there already the other week) and pushed through with the Feast!

The place was already jam-packed with a few seats left at the back when we arrived. Still, everyone didn't mind and raised hands as they cry out to God in worship and praise. Two things I've learned about Bo's talk on undergoing a detour in our life: 

1) Remain faithful -despite whatever we are going through right now, the most important thing is to remain faithful in our goals and dreams as well as remain faithful in God. We should bloom where we are planted and who knows, it would pave the way to reach our goal.
2) Remain Open - in lieu with blooming where we are planted, we should be open to possibilities. As the saying   goes, "When a door closes, another door or window (of opportunity) opens."

What's most important is we bounce back and just declare "All is Well.." because God is at our side and something better is coming along!

YFC campus-based friends
Indeed, my weekend was well-capped with blessings! The Cebu Kerygma Grand Feast defined my long weekend.! Check out more pictures here!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Celebration 2012

The Lady of Manaoag Rosary Center
The giant image of the Child Jesus just outside the chapel 
A taste of lechon to celebrate Easter!
Ice cream and cake for Easter!
It was finally Easter Sunday yesterday and as usual, most roads lead to the beaches or pools. But our family did the not-so-usual that day. No, we did not just stay home or go to the mall, we went to visit a shrine instead. It's the Our Lady of Manaoag Rosary Center located in Carmen, Cebu up north. It's actually the same image as of the Lady of Manaoag in Luzon. The plan was to go to the beach after but passing through coastlines along the road not one beach side was not full or crowded. So, we decided to stick with just visiting the shrine alone. There were three of us who visited the shrine for the first time and the rest of the family had been there before. We did the usual thing though and that was of course pray and wrote our petitions on a paper and drop it off together with an offering. After praying the Holy Rosary, we were all starving and had lunch on one of the sheds on the parking lot. Each one of us were carried an extra clothing just in case we'll make it to the beach but it was still okay even if it didn't push through. I believe, we celebrated in a more meaningful way through that visit and what's more important was we celebrated it as a family!

Happy Easter! :-)

Photo credits goes to Mark Jimuel Castillo

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Holy Week Plans

Today, while the whole world is enjoying April Fool's Day, the Catholic Church commemorates the Palm Sunday which marks Jesus' proclamation as King of the Jews despite the negative reaction of authorities. This also starts the Holy Week where we remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross. In the Philippines, it signals the main summer vacation where everyone goes somewhere to relax or perhaps just have fun and enjoy the long vacation! As for me, I am quite disappointed because I thought our vacation starts on Monday or Thursday is still understandable but we were told last week that the only day we won't have to work will be on Friday and the rest of the weekend. On a second thought, at least it'd still be three days with no work. So, what's the fuzz about it? I plan to really plot my a long-term plan for my life. Yeah, I haven't written one yet. Maybe I had one but it was vague or it was all just in the mind ( I still have to check my stuff!). Aside from that, I wanted to pray more. Yup, pray more and do the usual stuff we've done with family for the past years. I guess I have to plan carefully what to do for the week since time is still limited.

That's all for now! Enjoy the Holy Week! 

Cheers! :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just a Few Words on What's Up Last Saturday

Congratulations to all the graduates this month! It has been a long time that I have not updated my blog. Anyway, I also attended my cousin's graduation last Saturday morning and after that, I was supposed to catch up an activity in Dumanjug, Cebu but was unable to because I don't think I could catch up with the program anymore since it will start at 1pm and my cousin's commencement exercises ended past 12 and the place I'm going to would be a 2 or 3 hour commute.

However, after lunch,  my time was not wasted after all when I get to watch for the first time ABS-CBN's Showbiz Insider Report which had an informative topic on Social Media issues particularly on Twitter's bashers and haters and how they bully people especially celebrities or famous personalities. It made me ponder on things and here goes perhaps an unsolicited advice:

*For celebrities/media personalities:  Famous as you are, a lot of us look up to most of you as role models. So, watch your words as well. You have the right to fight especially if it's already hitting below the belt. In fact, everyone has. As they say in the show, "there's always the Block button" and "Block is beautiful"... ;-)
*For bashers and haters: Just SIMSIMI- it, okay?! :D

'Need I say more?...Happy Tweeting everyone!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lesson learned from Three Events

A dropped opportunity, a 6.9 earthquake (with tsunami hoax) and now, the death of another music icon Whitney Houston. So, what does these three events have in common? Uhmm, let me tell you the story:

Just one of the 3-house beach property for sale 
DROPPED OPPORTUNITY- The other week, I got a missed call from my lead real estate broker (I am a part-time real estate sales executive by the way). I, who then just woke up from sleep just did not mind about it thinking he was only reminding me of our monthly meeting in the office. The next day, I got a text message from him and he asked why I did not return his call that day and also inquired about one of my property listings. Still half-awake, I gave him the details but I guess it was not really that enough. Fast forward, haven't heard from him for like two days. After our Sunday mass where we are both part of the music group, I asked what would he do about the details he was asking from me and he just nonchalantly said that a client was looking for a beach property asap that time but he was not satisfied with the details that he dropped it off. The client already purchased another property. My jaw dropped upon hearing it and counting the numbers I could've earned, it was really annoying to think that there's this opportunity that I have passed just because I haven't prepared.

EARTHQUAKE - It was almost 12noon last Monday when my cousin called from her room while I was getting something in my room before going out, "Che, naglinog?" (Che, earthquake?). Before I could even answer, everything around me was shaking and I panicked but only managed to call out my cousin, "'te, te.." (short for Ate which means big sister in the Filipino language). That night, it hit me when one brother in the prayer meeting talked about the earthquake and the after shocks that followed and he shared if he was really prepared for anything especially for calamities like these which made me ask too, "Am I also prepared?"
DEATH OF WHITNEY HOUSTON - This morning was a real shocker for me upon hearing my mom talk about Whitney Houston's death. Despite speculations of a struggling recovery from drug abuse and news of failed concerts due to voice problems, I still can't believe that she passed away. Her songs were the songs I grew up and sang. I believe that those songs contributed to develop my singing prowess. May she rest in peace and will always be remembered through her songs. With this buzz, I asked myself again, would I be prepared if it was me?
Yes, the common thing these events have is on preparedness! On the first event, I was not prepared of the details that lead to a dropped opportunity for me to become a millionaire! The second and third, talks about tragedy which lead to asking if we would be prepared if death happens to us. 

Well, preparation is just one of the lessons learned. I could also say that it should also be coupled with planning. As Bo Sanchez said, Winners are Planners. I want to win in this life and if ever my time will come, I want to be remembered as a winner! Another thing, though my heart still aches a little bit of the happenings, I have to move on and learn from them. Live life still until it is time for me to be given again the opportunity to earn that big in real estate and never let go until I get it. As for the earthquake and death of Houston, let us not think about it in a negative way but pray more and still live to the fullest! Oh, let me not forget that it's almost Valentine's day, let me quote Whitney Houston's song in The Greatest Love of All, "and if by chance that special place lead you to a lonely place, find your strength in love."

Love more and Advanced Happy Valentine's Day!

Cheers! :-)

Photo Courtesy:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Personal 30-Day Challenge

Yesterday, I have started my 30-day challenge of creating a new habit which is to read or watch or listen to a Adobe Photoshop Tutorial each day (I still have to decide or fix a schedule). As a member of Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club, I am quite familiar about it already but it takes a lot of urging and discipline for me start. So, as it was launched together with other Feast attendees last Monday, I am encouraged to do so. Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish it and move on to another 30-day habit to change or create!

Day 1 started with a review of Making Cash In a Flash Seminar that I have attended last 18th of December 2011 and focused on listing the art websites recommended by one of the members of Business Incubators Hanz Florentino. Honestly, I started already watching the 1st tutorial video of Adobe Photoshop Tutorial but a technical glitch happened. Instead of whining, I fixed it and so as not to waste time, just reviewed the seminar I've mentioned above. Anyway, it's still related because it all started from that seminar. I mean I have always wanted to get back the creative juice I once had and that opportunity unlocke it again!

I cannot show you any results yet. Hopefully on the next few days of the challenge!

Cheers! :-)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


It is officially January 2nd in the Philippines but on the other side of the world particularly in the East Coast of America, it is January 1st noon time. I am hoping that this article will not only reach within the Philippines but for the rest of the world as well!

This is officially my first blog entry in 2012. Indeed, this year started in a prosperous way for me since I reunited with an old business program which met my 2012 with heaps of earnings! Other than that, I made myself more productive (after endless surfing on the Net) by trying to write this blog! I finally got a copy of my favorite song since last year (I actually heard this last 2010 in a Glee episode in Season 1). I just want to share this song although it came from a "Wicked" Musicale. I came to internalize more the song the moment my sister-in-law played the entire album of Wicked on our way to Blue Mountains, one of the tourist attractions in Western Sydney and I fell in love with the song. In the musicale, it's about a witch who broke away from the rules of the Wizard of Oz whom she finds a sort of dictator at that time and eventually she became the Wicked Witch of the West. But upon reading the lyrics, I said to myself that I want this to be my song especially in my journey to success! Now, I am publishing the lyrics of the Broadway version as well as their video..Get ready to fall in love with the song!

(Original Broadway)

(spoken) Elphaba - why couldn't you have stayed calm for
once, instead of flying off the handle!
(sung) I hope you're happy!
I hope you're happy now
I hope you're happy how you
Hurt your cause forever
I hope you think you're clever!

I hope you're happy
I hope you're happy, too
I hope you're proud how you
Would grovel in submission
To feed your own ambition

So though I can't imagine how
I hope you're happy right now

(spoken) Elphie, listen to me. Just say you're sorry:
(sung) You can still be with the Wizard
What you've worked and waited for
You can have all you ever wanted:

(spoken) I know:
(sung) But I don't want it -
No - I can't want it

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!

Can't I make you understand?
You're having delusions of grandeur:

I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down:
(spoken) Glinda - come with me. Think of what we could
do: together.

(sung) Unlimited
Together we're unlimited
Together we'll be the greatest team
There's ever been
Glinda -
Dreams, the way we planned 'em

If we work in tandem:

There's no fight we cannot win
Just you and I
Defying gravity
With you and I
Defying gravity

They'll never bring us down!
(spoken) Well? Are you coming?

I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this

(spoken) You too
(sung) I hope it brings you bliss

I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy, my friend:

ELPHABA So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky!
As someone told me lately:
"Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me
Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am
Defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No Wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down!

I hope you're happy!

Look at her, she's wicked!
Get her!

:Bring me down!

No one mourns the wicked
So we've got to bring her


Oh and Happy New Year! 

Cheers! :-)