Sunday, October 27, 2013


Rich Real Radical Book Mock-up Image
I recently was privileged to review a book about to be launched by a close friend. For now, my lips are sealed on what it is all about because I don't want to spoil the surprise! 

Speaking of books, this is the second time that I had a friend or friends who have written a book and not just any book but a reaallly good book! 

The first ones are also personal friends Jan Mckingley Hilado and Hanz Florentino! They are two best friends, one a college drop out and the latter a magna cum laude. As they say opposites attract! Although they both have different backgrounds, they both have something in common and that is to be successful in their chosen fields. 

Jan and Hanz's Rich, Real, Radical talks about their road to becoming successful entrepreneurs where you learn basic yet radical principles on how to reach your dreams. Whether you know them personally or not, it feels like they are just talking to you over a cup of coffee or perhaps sitting with them together in a living room like you've known each other forever once you start reading their book! 

Oh well, maybe that's my own opinion since I know them personally but let me tell you that as a friend, I would never ever lie to a friend even if the truth hurts. So there, I really mean it! Still, it's just my opinion so I invite you to visit their website and check out testimonials from Bo Sanchez, Jomar Hilario and other topnotch success trainers and coaches here in the Philippines and even the world! Once again, let me cordially invite you to read my friends' book RICH, REAL, RADICAL! This was launched July last year and it sold out before it even came out! This invitation to read their book has long been overdue. Sorry Hanz and Jan!:( 
Right now,you can order Rich, Real, Radical online and have it delivered to your doorstep or simply buy it at any National Bookstore nationwide!!!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

This Lady with a Streak of Pink Hair Might Be Able To Help You!

Like, Follow, Share
About three months ago, I saw this lady with a streak of pink hair having a status about success, attitude and sort of being yourself on facebook. Then, I saw that it was a page so I checked on it and liked it. Registered to and got hooked to her daily dose of quotes, inspirations and even teachings on Social Media Marketing! 

Sandi Krakowski has not only been turning the head of major media outlets during the last 6 months, but who also is the successful brain behind several multi-BILLION dollar nationwide brands.

The step by step methods that she used were ground breaking for helping many companies get their footprint online growing quickly.  Watching her then build her brand and bring such a big impact into the market has been nothing short of SHOCKING!  1 MILLION clients in under 4 years! 600,000 on social media in 20 months!

Are you baffled by the methods, systems and strategies that major brands are using to get success in the social media world?

Or are you a smaller business and just don’t know where to start?

THIS is for both of you!  

Sandi has been featured by CNBC, in Forbes Magazine as one of the TOP 20 Social Media Influencers of our generation today and has recently become the hands and brain behind several very large brands on television and nationwide.  When she told me she was holding a POWERFUL virtual summit on the topic of Mobile Marketing I didn’t want any of you to miss!

“The Social Media GPS Mobile Marketing Summit will be broadcast from her brand new $150,000 TV studio! It will be life changing for both you and your business.

Now listen up, because Sandi has more than 1 MILLION clients in her client base and more than 255,000 on her Facebook page alone, This WILL sell out fast!

Are you still guessing how to increase your ROI, maintain the focus of your brand and then how to capitalize on the fastest growing platform of our day?

Never before in HISTORY have so many people gathered at one time, in one place, on the earth, like the REVOLUTION that is taking place online through social media!

DO NOT miss out on this! 

I’ll see you there! 


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Them with the former drummer, minus the keyboardist and the other vocals

Sorry this is the only angle I took shots

I am supposed to write about last Friday's gig that I was invited to but nothing came out of my head. Even now, I still don't know where to start but a friend last night who has also been writing urged me to just start and everything will just follow. So here I am starting to pour my thoughts.

As said earlier, I got invited to a gig from a Cueshe band member who was also a friend. Although most of them were members of the band, they did not actually disclose that they were that Band (they called themselves Cue Project) and as much as possible avoided singing their originals but in the end, they sang a few as friends who were also fans requested and sang along with them. It was a fun-filled night as most of them were my brother's batch mates and so were three of the band mates, it seemed that everybody knows every body. For them, it was sort of a reunion! So, their set of songs were capped with some originals. Although they were short with two members, I was glad to hear them perform live since it was also my first time to see and hear them play live ever since they became popular.

After their repertoire, everybody still jammed with the next band that played until the wee hours of the morning. Although I haven't seen them for quite a while in the music scene, I believe that their heart to play and make music is still there. Therefore, I look forward to seeing them play and touch the hearts of their fans.



Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today, I got a foot massage treat. My mother, aunt and I went to a reflexology nook in a church that gives reflexology service for a minimal fee. It's highly recommended if you don't have much budget to visit a massage parlor, this is the place to be! I think, most of the parish churches (Catholic) here in Cebu  are already offering services such as these as an advocacy for homeo or naturopathic therapy such as reflexology. All you have to do is look around and ask.

A good massage (even on the feet) can indeed relieve stress!

Be Blessed and Cheers!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am thankful and blessed to be surrounded with positive people because they make my day even better!

My day actually started not so good but as it progressed especially when I was already with our "Money Masters Group", everything turned out positively which attracted all of us with positive clients too!

Today I am starting to count my daily blessings which starts with being surrounded with positive people.

So, check out for more tomorrow!

Cheers and God bless!


Friday, August 30, 2013


Photo from Wikipaintings
Dear Friends,

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity with me through the years. This has made me generous and kindhearted as well (I think I am lol).
Also, you have been my inspiration to work harder and smarter to reach my dreams and goals so I can give and love more. Right now, I am riding any vehicle of opportunity for success and was I glad to to find one that would not only help myself but others too!!!

As the saying goes, " Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me (or help me) to fish and I eat for a lifetime."

 Would you rather give me a fish or help me to fish? Or fish with me?

If your answer is the latter, would you hear me out? If yes, let's talk.

Thank you!!!


Thursday, July 18, 2013


I just got inspired by this quote and immediately made a picture quote out of it!

I just wish that I am inspired all the time not just to make such artful creations ( i call this art alright!lol) but to sell as well! Or maybe I can follow what one of my mentors told me that whenever I set an appointment and present, I just think of a thing or things that give me inspiration so that I get more inspired in what I do and during the presentation!

Yeah, I should do that and I can't wait to get more appointments!!!



Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Steven Pressfield said, "Do the Work"

Nike says, "Just do it!"

and the Bible says,

"But now, don't be discouraged any of you, do the work for I am with you...I promised that I would always be with you. I am still with you, so do not be afraid." -Haggai 2:4-5-

Mixed emotions crept in as I tried to generate a certain amount today. It seemed impossible at first when the people I planned to meet did not push through! Anyway, I went back home after attending the mass and sat in front of the computer not knowing what to do or where to start. And to add to what I thought was worse, was my credit card company calling to remind me of my dues which burst me into tears. After crying myself to sleep and washing the dishes, I went straight to my friend that I helped out for his business permit. He handed me a bill and told me, "Utangan ko nimo and kulang pa gani na! (I owe you and I still have a balance)". I almost cried and said, "Praise God, I really have to pay someone today!" So, I only have to look for the remaining balance. Time was running fast and my last resort was to ask from my mom. Fortunately, she gave in!  Praise God, indeed when we take action on something He will really help us and be with us all the way! 

He indeed will always be with us and all the time! All we have to do is to take action!

To God be the Glory!

Cheers! :-)


Monday, June 3, 2013


Ten things to remember:

1) Be vigilant to opportunities. They can be as simple as knocking on a door.
2) Just do it and DO IT NOW!
3) Write it, read it and do it!
4) Share, share and share!
5) Expect more and think positive!
6) I make it happen!
7) Speed and numbers matter!
8) When you think of quitting, just spell N-E-V-E-R!
9) Remember the 3-second rule.

Cheers! :-)


Monday, May 20, 2013


Photo credits here
"Little birdie in the sky,
Dropped a poopooh in my eye
I didn't scream, I didn't cry
I just thank God that cows can't fly!"

This was a text message that I received from a friend way back in college and Youth for Christ. It just popped out of my mind this morning and chimed to my choir mate when she got almost hit of a bird's waste inside the church while we were singing our hearts out during the mass. She was amazed by the rhyme but I told her be thankful that cows can't fly 'coz you can just imagine if they did, and their manure fell off your head.. (ugh, sorry for that gross imagination)! Oh well, God indeed is clever and it amazes me how He made things such as it is!

Now, this also reminds me of a magazine foreword/message from Bo Sanchez in his Kerygma magazine about being grateful even if it is difficult. In relation to that, I am going through difficult times for almost two (2) months now and a lot of times I complained but I would snap out of all the grumblings going through on my mind and immediately say sorry to myself and to God then, thank Him right away for all the little things He has blessed me a midst the difficulties I am going through. 

So, in every difficulty, there is always a reason and it will come to a close! As what Bo Sanchez wrote,
 "Be grateful for the blessings behind your trials!" 

I am just amazed at how much I still remember that quote above on thanking God that cows can't fly. Funny as it may seem but it really makes sense! 



Thursday, May 9, 2013


A few minutes after I woke up, my throat felt itchy again and a wheezing sound as I breathe for a fresh morning air from the comfort of my bed. Then, it happened. I started coughing rigorously! "I thought it was over last weekend!", I said to myself. What made me upset though was the fact that my mom noticed it and of course, just like any other mothers in the world, she chattered endlessly on my sleeping late for the past two weeks! Made sense!

I was indeed stressed and sleeping late almost every night plus the scorching heat outside, it was really impossible not to catch cough or cold.

Then it hit me, health should be one of the things that is non-negotiable because it could also cost your career or success! Besides, I have other things planned for my money instead of throwing it all away into  hospital bills! Also, who would want to buy my wellness products if the clients find myself not feeling well, right? So, now I just have to slow down as well. The past three weeks has been like a rat race for me! It is one of  my emotional Why's that keeps me going to drive through success! As they say, Health is Wealth so better work on it now than pay later! 



Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Three weeks ago, I was introduced to a new business.Since this was introduced by a BFF (Best Friends Forever) and the fact that we are the pioneers, I immediately said Yes! I had grand plans how to expand it especially with a little know-how on Social Media and Internet Marketing, I believe I can do it! I shared it of course to my friend. I don't know how he "sold" me to our partner because he bought the idea anyway and I ended up getting pressured! Lol! Anyway, I thought it was easy but just like other start up businesses it was really hard. Although I learned some stuff, I still had hesitations and held back.

For the past three weeks, I have mixed emotions on what I have gotten myself into! I really felt the pressure especially when those times that I have to excuse myself because I have to attend my prayer meetings and GK! These are actually the things that I consider non-negotiable especially that they are one of the WHY's that I have to expand my wealth and create my first million this year! So, I meditated, prayed and cried my heart out to God if this is really something that He wants for me and if I am really on the right path!  If I am, why do I feel restless and disturbed?

God didn't answer yet. Not until two Saturdays ago, when I attended a seminar and a prayer meeting last Thursday that I knew I was on the right track. Until now, I am still a work in progress as I explore this new venture (well, not really but the difference is I am doing my best to work it out unlike before), I also realized that God is teaching me something here knowing that I am seriously committed to make this work and I have to unlearn and relearn things. Most of all, I can stare into the sky and know that my God is with me!



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thank You CFC Youth for Christ

This week marks the 20th anniversary of CFC Youth for Christ as a Catholic Christian community for the youth. I don't know what would've become of me if I weren't part of it at those times. It would perhaps be different but not that I would be totally a violent or bad person maybe I would still find a way to get involved in a community like YFC (Youth for Christ) but I believe God placed me in it for a purpose.

My first CFC-YFC ILC in 6th YFC ILC conference in
 Los Banos City, Laguna
Anyway, one of the things that I can pay tribute to CFC-YFC was honing my talent in singing and exploring other areas like dancing, stage management, traveling and leadership stuff! Most of all it helped keep a personal relationship with God. Oh, did you know that it moved me as well to serve in Gawad Kalinga? Yes it did! Though a lot of things already changed, those good and bad times made me grow as a Christian as well! 
One of the YFC ILC's in Bacolod City

Once again! Thank you CFC Youth for Christ and more power to our mission to introduce Christ to the world! 

Cheers! :-)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Mind The Gap

The talk last night reminded me of the sign "Mind the Gap" in Australia's Train Stations whenever we wait for our train ride. Obviously, it means that we should be careful not to step closer over the yellow line gap that separates the edge to the railway which if you go over it would cause you to fall off or perhaps kill you if a train comes unexpectedly. 

In the same way, the talk was entitled Gift of Gap wherein we have to know how to respond to our feelings. An example is  when we experience anger towards a person and saying something hurtful to him/her without a second thought or perhaps sending an angry text message to a receiver and eventually regretting what you've done it. But too late, because the receiver already has evidence of how a fool you've been in doing such a thing. 

Photo credits here
Some people would wish that if only they could turn back time to change that moment where they got tempted to have an affair or killed someone out of anger and pride. Their is unbearable as they see their children suffer the consequences like having a broken family or growing up without them due to being imprisoned with a crime they committed.

THis Easter, the Gift of Gap is given to us which is the wisdom to handle our emotions but be emotionally detached and responsible. We may not experience  Easter yet in some areas of our life that could sometimes disrupt our feelings and be tempted to be mean due to pride and anger, let us remember to Mind the Gap  and rise up from our adversities!

Happy Easter! 




Rise up from your financial crisis and let money work for you online!


Part of my Holy Week was spent serving the Paraisong Pambata Program at the Bayani Challenge 2013 in San Remigio and at the rest of the days with family. I just want to honor those people who have spent the week wholly or partly (like me) at the Bayani Challenge to help build our nation through this activity.

Although, this is already late, I just want to impart an excerpt of a reflection I have read during our Visita Iglesia last Holy Thursday when we did the Station of the Cross which is in relation to the work we did at the Bayani challenge.
Picture taking with Phil. Army volunteers on the last day
Photo by: Teza Ramos

This is from the Reflection of th 7th Station: Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus Carry the Cross (MAKING THE WAY OF THE CROSS MEDITATIVELY BY MOST REV. FR. RUPERTO C. SANTOS)
" One of our Filipino customs is the bayanihan. This is one of the best qualities as a nation...We do all these because we are a loving people. Christ offered His life for us because He loves us. It is a beautiful response to Him if we continue to practice the 'bayanihan' and 'damayan'."

For me, this is an affirmation that we are on the right track and all we went through during the Bayani Challenge will never be put to waste. It has created a  spark in the hearts of our beneficiaries and fellow volunteers that will hopefully soon become bigger and spread like wildfire!

A salute to all the heroes and may we continue to build our country in our own ways!

Brace yourself next year for as we take on 300 strong provinces for the Bayani Challenge 2014!

Cheers! :-)


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Feb-March Adventure 2013

The past two months has been quite an adventure for me. Bonding with old friends, leaving for Australia and then come back to the Philippines just in time for the GK Bayani Challenge 2013. It was quite challenging since I have limited access to the internet those days. So planned activities which involved internet access were postponed! Despite that, I learned to just cherish everything whatever holds before me like spending time with friends and families, facilitating kids, etc. I remind myself to look at the brighter side of life or as they say look at it in rose-colored glasses!

Photo: Kiddie party at Lambusan. #bayanichallenge #paraisongpambata
The Culmination party on the last day of our
Paraisong Pambata  (Chidren's Paradise) activity during
the GK Bayani Challenge in San Remigio
 (photo courtesy of GK-Cebu)
With my Mama and niece at St. Mary orth Mackillop chapel in North Sydney
My days in Australia was purely spent with my brother and his family and of course my niece except for some occasions where we met up with some friends and join parties. Though, it was short-lived but I look forward this year to go back there and spend more time with my niece with God's grace.

When I got back, I was surprised to be asked to head the Paraisong Pambata program for the GK Bayani Challenge in San Remigio. It was nerve-wracking since I haven't served the kids much for almost 5 years already. Somehow, we pulled it off with the help of the service team and volunteers of course! Seeing the kids so happy that volunteers cared to spend time with them for 4 days and easily call out your name once they see keeps me smiling from ear to ear. It is indeed an adventure worth remembering and I know that my summer escapade is just about to start!

Cheers! :-)


Monday, February 11, 2013


I have been talking lately on this blog since late last year up to now on being agents of change, making our lives beautiful amidst adversities and the likes. One major makeover I did too for this blog was changing the title to Mi Vita Et Bella which is an Italian word for "My Life is Beautiful". It is not just a declaration but a reminder also to see something beautiful in my life whatever it takes!

Speaking of beautiful and being agents of change, I have met last Tuesday an addition to the list of beautiful people I've known (ahem), a brother from the  LOJ (Light of Jesus) Community and perhaps one of those people who has made a difference as he turned brought beautiful hope to his townspeople who have seen the ugly side of life through the tragic landslide years ago...Hon. Rico Rentuza.

He is the current mayor of St. Bernard. Southern Leyte but before that, he pursued his studies in AB Political Science and then proceed to Law School at the University of San Carlos in Cebu. After passing the bar, he practiced law for approximately 9 (nine) years here in Cebu City. But what moved him to public service was the fateful landslide in several parts of Southern Leyte including St. Bernard which was then the most affected as thousands of lives were taken particularly in Barangay Guinsaugon. He and his colleagues back then formed the Athena Mission (named after her late aunt Athena who passed away during that tragedy). Then on, he felt the call to serve more through politics. At first, his wife thought that he was just running for mayor for the sake of running only but then again, he believed that nothing is impossible with God and with that, he won with flying colors! 

Since then, St. Bernard got back to its through the beautiful hope brought by  volunteer organizations, institutions and of course with Mayor Rico's good governance! One of the programs he has successfully implemented was the annual job fair in St. Bernard and the assistance on placement fees for aspiring Overseas Filipino Workers which also earned the municipality a grant for such endeavor. The great thing about it though was that the fund has been revolving up to now with the program! Now, that's quite an aachievement. Amidst the challenges and struggles he went through his term, he surpassed it with his faith and trust in God. He also reiterates the need for Christian values in serving the for the public. Now, that's what I call a beautiful service!

If majority of our political contenders are like this guy, I surely wouldn't hesitate to choose these kinds of leaders for the upcoming election! Indeed, for me, this is what I call a beautiful SERVICE with love for God and country!



Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sinulog Week 2013

One of the things I prayed during the Sinulog Festivities was to have a good weather during the procession on Saturday. It could rain but not so hard that the people have to walk their way through floods, it can be sunny but the heat shouldn't get us scorched or at least it's got to be windy! Nevertheless, let His will be done!

with fireworks in the background exploding like
meteor showers!
It was two years ago at this time when it rained hard during the procession that we have to make our way through the floods on the way to the Basilica! But despite of the heavy downpour, heaps of devotees to the Holy Child Jesus still attended, stayed and danced in the rain after the mass with drenched clothes! That moment defined the fiesta as it proved the unceasing devotion of the people to Sto. Nino. Personally, the prayer I mentioned above is quite selfish since it is for me to remove a bit of discomfort we usually experience during these times but I have to keep in mind too that I have promised myself three years ago also to take every drop of rain as a sign that blessings are on its way and never complain when it comes unexpectedly!

On the Sinulog Day, it dawned on me that there were a lot of income opportunities to choose from! Good thing, I didn't stayed much at home as I usually do and I also did some vending although it was not that much but this is another thing I should keep in mind, ALWAYS LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES either  to serve, earn, sell or even to do random acts of kindness and love to others!

Cheers and Pit Senyor! :-)


If you want to start an online team based business with NO selling skills required and NO Technical Computer and Programming Skills Required, I suggest you take a look at SmartMedia Technologies and visit our website at:
P.S.2For more business and personal success tips, order my book online here or Buy your copies at your local National Bookstore!
P.S.3Stock Market Investments will be one of the good investments this year! Don't be left behind! Enroll now at Bo Sanchez's Truly Rich Club and become a Lifetime Member at:

Reflections on the Sinulog Procession

was not able to get through the church grounds
but managed to finish the mass outside the gates
I was having second thoughts if I will join the procession yesterday or not but since there is no reason for me not to participate, I just did and it was good to hear mass again in the Basilica during the eve of its fiesta ( I used to hear mass after the procession before at the Cathedral) even if we were just outside the church gates due to so many people attending the Holy Mass after the procession. I also felt that I fervently prayed more than before compared to the previous Feast of the Sto. Nino processions I have gone before! 

trying to tkae a good shot of the fireworks through the banderitas!
Though I was really praying I couldn't help notice the crowd who joined from different walks of life! I could feel the joy overwhelming among us as the image of the Holy Child Jesus passed by before the mass was about to start. We were waving our hands and closed our umbrellas to drench ourselves with the pouring rain as a sign to receive the blessings that we believe God will be giving all of us since we have taken part in the feast celebration for the past two weeks (no, not necessarily completed). I myself, did my crying in the rain that time!

The dancing continued together with the fireworks after the mass ended. It was indeed a fulfilling day and there are no regrets that I joined the procession because I believed that I was even more blessed!

Pit Senyor! :)


Sunday, January 13, 2013


I looked up through a glass window inside the mall last Friday and was shocked to find a pouting lady on the reflection. So, I told myself "Hey there, smile because something beautiful is about to happen tonight!" 

Well, I was on my way to an activity in our Singles for Christ cluster entitled "Something Beautiful" at the Parklane International Hotel. As the title says, it was indeed beautiful!

with sisters from our unit!

At first, I dreaded the thought of having to be grouped from different chapters but the moment I entered the hall, it felt home again and the rest went on beautifully!

Rene and Glezil Verano one of the couples who shared
their beautiful love story
It was during the cocktails that we met up with brothers and sisters from other chapters from which we were assigned and it was great to meet and greet these beautiful people! Then, we settled to our seats to listen to the most beautiful people I've known that night starting with our dear cluster head Kuya Roy Luna followed by several sharing of brothers and sisters who imparted something beautiful that happened in their lives, loves , career, family and health. 

Inspiring sharers (3rd & 4th from left) Gege and Tristan Abando,
Ate Sarah Lim (the pretty lady wearing a bandana)

All of them were inspiring and I can attest to that because two of the  pretty sisters sitting beside me can't hold back their tears (hehehe)! One sharing that struck me though was my former household head and chapter head Ate Sarah Lim's sharing that despite what she has gone through all these years as a SFC member and Leader she says, "I never doubted that I am beautiful!" With the sickness that she's got, she reminds herself still that God loves her! I believe I was affirmed by Ate Sarah's statement that there is something to smile about because God loves me, God loves you and God loves us! 

What could be more beautiful to hear but that!

Let us all be reminded when we feel like frowning to just SMILE, GOD is has something beautiful for you! GOD loves you! 

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you."
-Song of Songs 4:7
May GOD be praised! 

Cheers! :-) 

Photo credits: Chem Florentino and Ryan Cabanlit (event design)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fun 2013

I took this shot ! :-)

And I thought the 1st day of 2013 would be just another ordinary day but thanks to relatives from Davao who took a quick visit to our home and our choir where we had a shared dinner along our road! 

Bonding such as these are so valuable more than any other worldly things! Besides, what worth are the material riches if you can't share it with anyone?
Make way for the Pizz!

Once again, Happy New Year! 

Thank You Lord for blessing our relationship with family and friends! 

Cheers! :-)