Sunday, December 25, 2011


My fellow volunteers busy packing for the relief goods 

Prior to this day, I overheard a lady on the passenger jeep I was on, telling her companion, " Dili pa lage ma-feel ang Pasko no?" (Doesn't feel like Christmas yet, does it?). The question I heard made me think too if I already feel the Christmas spirit and I asked myself, "Is it because I consider everyday as Christmas already?" Maybe or maybe not. This special day is about sharing and it is Jesus' birthday! If Christmas is about sharing and I consider myself sharing as part of my regimen everyday, then perhaps that is the reason that the Christmas spirit is no longer that exciting..ah, yes, I reckon the lady in the jeepney was not really talking about feeling the Christmas spirit but it could be she was referring to the excitement! So, there you go, the Christmas spirit is in the air..or wait, I can also say that we can wait for the Christmas spirit in the air to happen or we can make Christmas Spirit happen! You decide!
all smiles after a day's packing! That's the Spirit!
Photos courtesy of GK-Cebu

As for me, I am enjoying my Christmas vacation as well as helping in the relief operations for the Sendong typhoon victims last week! That, for me, is real Christmas Spirit. What about you?!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's been more than three years now that I have practiced hearing mass almost everyday. Almost would mean, missing only once or never in a month. Lately, I'm trying to tweak my schedule in going to church whether it would be better to hear mass after work or after I wake up or going to work (work is night shift). Today, after having breakfast, I decided to hear mass at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral so that I won't have to worry anymore before going to work later. I was having second thoughts but nevertheless, forced myself despite a rainy morning.

When I arrived, I thought there was a wedding schedule and took a look at the billboard schedule which I thought I was too early because I arrived before 10am and the next time would still be at 10:30am. But when I entered the church, I saw several priests, rounding up and taking their seats at the altar. Then, I remembered that it's almost the feast of our Lady of Immaculate forward during the homily, it was then that I knew that it was His Eminence Cardinal Vidal's (as Archbishop Palma calls it,) intimate celebration of his anniversary of Episcopal Ordination or in simple terms, ordination as priest? That, I'm not so sure. Anyway, moving forward, Cardinal Vidal was the former Archbishop of Cebu replaced by Cardinal Palma, was the main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration where he read his homily regarding his priesthood. As what I have understood in his homily, he had held several positions as priest and member of the clergy and he is thankful to the Lord about it. But, he reiterates also that it is not really about the position that he held that would be important and it won't matter to the Lord when he meets Him at the end of his lifetime because what would matter was how he has served and loved the people that was given for him to take care of. He would be judged on how he lived his life not on the positions. 

It was also before the end of the mass that I knew (thanks to Archbishop Palma) that Cardinal Vidal has been constantly following up the canonization of Cebu's very own Blessed Pedro Calungsod wherein if that happens, even if he is retired would still be in-charged in the canonization process which he accepted the challenge and jokingly said that he doubts that his own beatification might be delayed because of his kakulitan on Calungsod's sainthood.

I even felt more blessed after kissing Cardinal Vidal's ring after the mass. Indeed, I am thankful that I pushed myself to attend mass this morning instead which turned out to be a heavenly experience!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today, we commemorate one of the Philippines' heroes, Andres Bonifacio. If Rizal, used his writing for rebellion, Bonifacio was the aggressive one who would not hesitate to use weapons against the Spanish regime just to defend our country.

In commemoration of his heroic deed, volunteers of the Philippine government's Pilipinas Natin (Our Philippines) together with Gawad Kalinga pays tribute to this hero in a different way. Not by writing nor through using weapons and firearms but through using our human arms to build homes for our brethren, cleaning streets in the slums and cleaning up our coasts. Perhaps we could still consider the tools we used as weapons such as brooms, hammer,etc. as weapons but not for blood but for building our nation.

As for my part, my contribution would be compared to Rizal, who used writing. In my case, I write not for rebellion but to salute the volunteers who have taken part in today's endeavor as well as those unsung heroes who have helped uplift the dignity of the poor in one way or another.

Kudos to all the heroes for the poor and of our lives! 

Cheers! :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Saturday is indeed a glorious and joyous to culminate my second to the last day of my long weekend this month with the Kerygma Conference followed by the Feast of the Miraculous Medal today, which was my grade school alma mater but now turned into a full charity institution run by the Daughters of Charity. I am also praying for a miracle that would happen (either of the two of the things I am asking for). Nevertheless, I feel blessed already and I cannot contain it! The Kerygma Conference says it all  with  the talks delivered to us at the Waterfront Lahug Pacific Grand Ballroom which ended with a high note from Bo Sanchez.

As what the speakers prior to Bro. Bo said, namely, Arun Gogna, Obet Cabrillas, Randy Borromeo ( who were also humorous and hilarious) when they started to get to know God through the Light of Jesus prayer meeting, it seemed that He was speaking to them directly through the speaker! Honestly, I am not new to these kinds of stuff because at a young age of 17 about to turn 18 then, I already get to know the Lord and I can actually say, it was deep because that triggered my unstoppable service to Him through CFC Youth for Christ and eventually made me decide to serve full time which lasted for almost 8 years. Despite my resignation then, I still make it to a point to get connected with God through daily participation of the Holy Mass (especially those busy days) as well as attending our household prayer meeting (small group). So, to cut it short, I've always known that God speaks to me directly not just through speakers but even in ordinary people we meet! Yet, lately, I am perhaps not quite attentive and need to be refreshed or maybe I just miss attending big religious events such as Kcon! Odd but true. 

During the conference, God was not only talking to  me but pointing his finger to my head, then to his chest to tell me that "Che, always remember that you are in  my heart..and nothing (waving his finger on my face and gently touching it) can change that, kuha mo?" (A famous tag line from a teleserye that just ended last week which means, d'ya Get it?) Then I could hear him singing Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are". Of course friends, that was just my imagination except for the song that we all sang as we imagined God serenading us with that tune! 

The point is, in every conference, God speaks to us directly and it could be a different message in each event or it could still be the same message that He is pounding to us endlessly until we give in! One thing is for sure, He never gives up on us and he reaches out to us so we can be "transformed into the same (His) image from Glory to Glory" 2 Corinthians 3:18 and He loves you and me JUST THE WAY WE ARE! 


Cheers! :-)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It was better late than never when I arrived to visit yesterday which was the last day of perhaps the last GK Builders Camp for this year at the GK Mananga Site. It was overwhelming to see that there were around 41 participants at the camp. I reckon it was the biggest number for this year. Majority came from one of the partner schools in Cebu (Cebu Institute of Technology University or CITU. It has been a long time for me that I have last visited this site as well. Although, I got quite lazy to visit the houses that I knew, I just said hi or smile at the homeowners and kids who would pass through the multipurpose hall. Seeing the kids whom I had a very short teaching stint in this village, I would ask them if they were still in school. So far, they said they were. I don't blame them if some don't remember me anymore after all, it was just a short stint as I've said.  Anyway, the program went okay as usual. When the last session ended, there were fillers while waiting for lunch to be served and so I would find myself going to the favorite place in the site where the kids and even the homeowners, youth and their friends would hang out and do nothing or simply just stare at the houses with cornfields or down below the river or even at the skies. I noticed that some kids went down to the riverbank and just playing with the stones or one could just climb up a tree and get some fruit or whatever they want to get on it. Then, I saw that they got a makeshift ladder so that these kids could climb up and down the wall from the village to the river. I got preoccupied asking a kid to stop teasing another girl as if she is about to fall from the wall. Good thing, the other children outnumbered the big kid so he would stop doing it or whatever happens to the other child, he would have to pay for the consequences. While watching them, I couldn't help but think of how simple their lives were and reminiscing the days that I've served full time and what I have contributed and how I can help more now that I have stepped onto the corporate world. Then, it hit me that one of the reasons that I have gone to work outside of the organization was to give more. However, I am aware that because of my schedule, I cannot serve that much anymore or even give more which sometimes I feel defeated my purpose on why I am not working full time any more for Gawad Kalinga. 

Since last year, I believe God is leading me to a new career path in which my passion can become a career too. In the same way, I hope that I could have more financial and time freedom so that I can do what I want especially serving more and more and giving more and more. In the same way, I feel I wanted to spend more time with my mother and perhaps visit my brother and his family more often too and other members in the family as well. 

Although now, that passion has not become a career yet since I am still in another career that I have opted, the commitment to get that goal has been renewed as I write this article and I really need to constantly visit GK villages again to remind me of my purpose and importance of my career efforts.

Cheers! :-)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Song Syndrome 1: This is ME

Practicality must've stolen the creativity in me but praise God because the same made me explore a lot of things and I believe that it's still leading back to the very things I want to do. Soon, the creative juices will just pop non-stop. I don't know when the creativity stopped or maybe it just took a break as I searched for the many things I want to pursue. But now, one by one, it feels like it is slowly coming back..

Now, I happen to catch up the middle to the last part of the Disney Movie " Camp Rock" starred by the Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers. It was entertaining and I always appreciate movie musicales such as that movie. But Demi's song "This is Me" made me tell myself, "That's it and I 'm telling it to myself!" Perhaps to remind me that I should follow my heart. I have heard of the song before but it was just now that I completely appreciated the lyrics in the same way that I have appreciated Myley Cyrus' "The Climb" which actually got me teary-eyed (yikes!).  So here's a part of the Camp Rock Movie where Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas sang and I've got the lyrics too! Enjoy!


I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

More lyrics:
All about Camp Rock:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Thoughts On The Loss of Apple's Creative Genius: Steve Jobs

'Just read from Yahoo!News today about Steve Jobs, the long-time C.E.O. of Apple Computers and who was quoted who turned the world "immeasurably better" passed away today. I wanted this article to link back to a short write-up I did about his stepping down as Apple's Chief Executive Officer but I forgot to post it here in my Blogger. Anyway, it could still be checked in my Tumbler. I wrote about being saddened of his giving up of the highest position at Apple but when I read his passing away today, it made me even sadder as the world loses a genius in the software technology arena. Reading his short biography in the news, I was more amazed to know that he used to own Pixar Animation (bought later by Disney which he now is considered also as the largest shareholder) and Nextel computers (later bought by Apple which he was co-founder but was fired in 1985 and this purchase marked his comeback that later made him an icon of the company).

Apple Logo from
Celebrities, political personalities and fellow computer and software big wigs share their thoughts on the loss of Apple's former CEO but the most unforgettable and inspiring quote I've read from Steve Jobs was tweeted by American Idol Host Ryan Seacrest"Have the courage to follow your heart & intuition. They already know what u truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Indeed, if we take courage to follow our heart, excellence would show and success follows...the rest will then make history.  

I may not own an Apple gadget but it is probably his story of creativity and commitment to success that inspired me to write this blog.. Rest in Peace Steve Jobs...Sending my prayers to the family you left behind as well.


Monday, September 26, 2011


Rainy and windy days are here again! I just savor the coolness of the air as I walked home from work earlier this morning. It looked like it was going to become stronger but I just ignored it and feel the wind sweep through my face and swaying my hair in different directions.

A weather this extreme always remind me of a time wherein I joined my parents' activity ( I forgot if it was a fellowship among couples or just a recollection seminar in our parish). Anyway, one of the teachings I could never forget then was how we should approach every situation we fell into. One example the speaker pointed was when it comes to weather conditions.

Often, we would wish for what was not there. We even complain for such condition and eventually end up complaining again! For example, if it feels too cold , we complain and wished for the sun and if it's too hot, we grumble again and would wish for rain! But what was the one thing that struck me most and I have often practiced it myself was when he taught us ( or something like that ) how to approach God when it comes to weather conditions. This might not be how it sounded but at least the thought is there:

Whenever we feel warm with the hot weather, just say, "How warm is your love,'s really hot!" and whenever we feel cold, "Thank you for the cool wind that reminded me of Your Spirit's presence in us!"

That's it! No If's , No But's! I know, it's easier said than done but all we have to do is just practice and eventually find out for ourselves that we look at life more brighter and promising than ever! We only have to start and do it.

Cheers! :-)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones

Who would want to be negative all the time?  I for one, never like even the idea of it. But due to some circumstances in our lives, it is really inexcusable that we can think about it and more often than not, it would happen even if we don't want to. However, there are techniques to turning negative thoughts into positive ones .
Here's an example:
1) Whenever I want to have a safer travel: I should say, "I have a Safe Trip" instead of saying, "I will not meet an accident"
2)To get more sales: I should say, "People listen and buy from me." instead of "I will not be rejected"
3) On being punctual: I should say, "I will be early." instead of " I will not be late".

These are just few of the examples I could give as of now. So, why should I prefer the first statements instead of the latter ones? Simple. It affirms us positively. According to one of  the videos of The Secret, the universe does not really recognize the "not, don't, wrong, etc or all other negative will just recognize the words after it..most likely, we will really get what we ask for especially those words I highlighted and in Italic form..Let us guard our words and turn our negative thoughts to positive ones by simply removing the don'ts, wrongs, nots and no's. as much as possible. Believe me, it worked for me but as of now, I still have to work more on it.

I decided to share one of the videos (although this is not specifically the one I've watched) and hope it helps. This is courtesy of course from The Secret. Enjoy! :-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Yesterday was a tiring yet productive and fulfilling day as I went right after the shift to a Gawad Kalinga Activity in GK-Lexmark Village, Minglanilla, Cebu that was also attended by the US Navy Personnel who were aboard USS Russell and docked in Cebu to participate in Fil-Am partnership activities where GK was one of their itineraries. Together with them of course were the ever dynamic employees of Lexmark International Philippines, Inc. (LIPI), Lexmark Development and Research Corp. (LRDC) and another name of their subsidiary that I forgot to take note. The Lexmark Executives were there too. [Image] GK local volunteers together with US Navy Volunteers In collaboration with Lexmark, was the Cebu Provincial Government (who donated the land years ago) headed by our very own Gov. Gwen Garcia. Most of all, the US Ambassador Harry K. Thomas was also there. The last but not the least whom I believe were the most important and the main purpose of the visit were the GK Minglanilla Homeowners who were actively participating before, during and after the GK activity that took place. 
GK Local volunteers together with Lexmark and US Navy Volunteers
 from  USS Russell Naval Ship

I thought I was just one of the spectators who will witness the unforgettable event but was not surprised that I was requested to take some pictures of the ongoing activities. Anyhow, all ended well as everyone went home with a big smile and heavy stomach after a sumptuous lunch. I was not able to join in serving the Parents Forum because I was the host for my household prayer meeting in Singles for Christ which started around past five.

 After I left the site, I went straight to the mall to buy some ingredients for the food that I’ll serve for the meeting. It was easier said than done since it took me almost two hours to finish my experiment which by the way, was not perfected because the noodles was not that al dente and the salsa was not as what I expected to taste. In fairness, the sauce was quite well mixed. Nevertheless, my household mates appreciated the efforts (thank you ladies!).  We did a brief yet fruitful catching up and sharing. Although short and there were only three of us, we were thankful we pushed through because we get to speak out again among ourselves.

 My day did not end there because I did some quick bonding time with my god child who is living with us  whom together with the rest of the people in our home, we have been helping develop her growing skills as she prepares to turn 1 next month.

 I was planning to check the web after that but decided to relax for a bit as I watched TV and eventually dozed off. I woke up and realized that it’s my 3rd day already of not checking the internet and my e-mails! After taking a quick shower, I decided not to sleep yet ‘coz I can’t miss taking account what I’ve gone through today. Oh, another thing that snapped me was that I have been awake for more than 24 hours now as I write this. Still, the muscle ache (for too much  standing) and sun tan was well worth it! :-)

Image courtesy of Mikyu Maglasang

Monday, September 5, 2011

E-Book vs Audio Book

It was during the release of the Harry Potter Book 5 that I discovered e-books. I've read it in an e-book. It was convenient for me because I can read it in the office computer whenever I need to have a break at work. But, it was draining to the eyes so I also needed to get a break once in a while at reading. In 2009, a friend introduced me to audio books. This time, I was hooked to the Twilight Saga. Even if I bought the books, I also got hold of the audio books so I listen to Book 3 and 4. It considered it also a self-training of my listening skills since I was about to go on training in a call center which would really require such skill. 

However, audio books are more pricey than e-books. So, I opt e-books still unless someone is giving it to me as a gift. But with technology evolving, e-book readers were created and thus, it does not hurt much to the eyes anymore when you read through an e-book reader! Kindle was probably the first E-book Reader from Amazon which was followed by Barnes and Noble's NOOK. I only got a glimpse of the Kindle because one friend is also selling it here in the Philippines. Now, Kindle and Nook are not just e-book gadgets but it has evolved again into an application!Anyone who would wants to read an e-book at the comfort of their PC's, Mac, Iphone, Ipad, Ipods, Android and Smartphones with an E-book reader format can simply download the apps of Kindle or Nook. That way, they need not add another gadget in their bag.

Anyway, so which would I really prefer? I should say I still love reading more than listening yet I need to improve my listening skills as well. For now, I choose which ever is available. Just make sure that it has the same content with the published physical book 'coz it might be a fake. 

Cheers! :-)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Summary of A Long Weekend

My 5-day vacation is indeed the most productive week I've ever had. On the 1st day of this month, I attended our 1st real estate meeting from my broker company with a few tips from our lead brokers, a business opportunity meeting that will lead to a promising healthier lifestyle as well!. The next day, was spent having quality time with a friend who was about to depart for another country in a few hours then and the rest was spent ogling on the computer screen posting and asking questions on a new-found career/sideline. I called it a night after a Yoga Thai Massage! Yesterday, I devoted my time to spirituality as I joined the Divine Mercy Group going to Our Lady of Remedios in  Odlot, Bogo City in a mass and procession on barefoot which was quite fulfilling and sweat-dripping but was really worth it. Today, I feel all the more that my day is still productive as I attended Part II of the Stock Market and Mutual Funds Investment Mastery Seminar and I claim and pray that I will find a way to raise the initial investment as well as the one-time fee. Checking my e-mail and posting again completes my day and of course, writing this blog! Tomorrow's plan will be getting a hari trim, claiming my NBI clearance which is already way past overdue and hopefully get again another massage.

So, that's it for my week-long holiday and after that, I'm gonna brace myself again for work and get ready to set appointments and generate interests to our leads!

Cheers! :-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On Being Alone

Despite the nature of man not living alone or looking for a partner or companion, there are really times that we need to get aloof to reflect. More often than not, the reason would be to get in touch with our inner self or simply get in touch with God intimately.

I should say that during these times that we want to be alone, there are numerous times also that we long for the people that we get used to or those people that we missed or have not seen for a long time as well. So, being alone even for a short while could spell out heaps of realizations on our part. Thereby, we get to be wiser on our decisions or it can make or break important things too.

We better make sure that after a while of aloofness, we should check our insanity if it is still intact or else, let's just hope for the best. :-)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride of Life

The past two years has been quite a roller coaster ride for my career. Probably it was the choice that I made in the first place after I resigned from my work last 2008. Then there's this dilemma of becoming aware of what I really want to do and luckily, I know now what are these things. Although I have achieved some of them but I claim for the day that soon I would totally fulfill it! A lot of options still are laid out and  I am excited as I get on a  new career option again! This time, it really more time and financial freedom. I believe that what happened the those years have a reason and looking back, I should say that there are no regrets but just lessons learned.

In life, there is indeed an up and down just like a roller coaster does, every time we are about to go down, our stomach feels uncomfortable and we feel a different high as we go up again. Now, I am ready more than ever for whatever challenge is ahead of me for I know that despite all crap, God would still be on my side and take care of the rest. I wouldn't be afraid to make a mistake anymore because what matters was I tried.  :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It really takes courage for a person to be encouraged to do something whether it be to eat, read, write or even invest time and money. However, trust is also important since even before we encourage the person, more often than not, we must gain the people's trust or else we are going to get a lot in trouble.

I have been investing in various things but right now, I have learned my lesson that I should be cautious as well as assess myself if I can really work on it. I usually just invest without knowing what the catch or real score sometimes. But right now, I am sort of careful now on what it has in store for me yet without sacrificing the chance to grab the opportunity too! Sounds tough huh? I believe trust and courage should go hand in hand when it comes to investing so as not just to protect the investor but to also gain trust from them so that a long term relationship as a business partner will take place. :-)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Success Surge

If Northeastern part of America is preparing for a storm surge, I am preparing for a so-called Success Surge! I am calling it this way.. not because I want my success to be just a One time, Big time thing but because I want to  show to the people who have been challenging me, that I can do it but of course, not just because I am being challenged but also to fulfill my dreams as well.  Also, it will initially create an impact but in the long run it will just be a usual thing since people would now believe of the dreams they create even though how impossible it may seem at first.

One of the things I would do is create habits that would trigger my success. I believe it is already happening now and that it will never stop from here! I still have a long way to go but all I gotta do is believe, believe, believe. Of course, the most important things are actions and prayers! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Exploring and Getting Focused

This blog is supposed to be an area where I express a positive attitude but please allow me just for today to rant about the negatives I am hiding inside:

I guess disappointments are part of life and I just felt I disappointed someone today. I have never felt so worthless and disappointed myself for not being productive. I admit, I really don't feel like working most of the time anymore..Perhaps it really happens to the best of us. Sometimes, although not so often, $#!+ happens as they say..So, I reflected on what went wrong. Probably i was not too focused on it or I am carried away with the fact that I am not happy with the job anymore. Now, I declare to be more focused and if it still wouldn't work, then, maybe..just maybe..I really have to let go..But as they say, the rainbow appears after every rain or storm. In the same way that at the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold, I believe I already have found what I'm looking for but for some reason, I just could not feel it yet. Perhaps again..I should explore more... :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to Service for the Nth Time!

After several attempts to join some GK activities, I finally managed to attend two the past week! The task was to help the volunteer visitors get profiles from the GK Homeowners in the Gawad Kalinga Amazing Village in Tak-an, Budlaan, Cebu City with regard to health. Cebuano volunteers are needed to speak to the homeowners in Cebuano/Visayan dialect and write or translate it in English.

The name of the group is SEALNet group which stands for Southeast Asian Leadership Network.  A group of volunteers from different Universities  like Cambridge University, UCLA, Stanford and others collaborate to implement projects for Southeast Asian countries. For their current project here in the Philippines, they have chosen Cebu particularly Gawad Kalinga Cebu to be the beneficiary of this project which is to grow awareness on hypertension and other chronic diseases. So, they need to profile a part or if possible the entire community to know how far they are aware of the chronic diseases and draft a campaign out of the results from the interview of the families. 

I get to meet them last Tuesday which as they  introduce themselves with the community and probably get a "feel" with the place. I was excited as well because it has been maybe a year since my last visit to the site.   I met again the kids I've served before as well as meet new little angels from the Sibol school. Yesterday was the exciting part because it was interview time! I was assigned alone and so were others who they thought could manage without a Sealnet member so that volunteers could interview more families. For the group discussion, together with some Sealnet members as well as Cebu volunteers and two home owners, we  managed to finish the whole community profile. Yehey! The best part is yet to come since they will be conducting a Medical Mission Fair next week.

I hope I would get to serve again in GK. It is one of my reasons why I am aiming to succeed so I can help more and serve more! :-)

God will Make a Way

Last week, I almost gave up my job over an offer for something that I loved and dreamed of doing. However, the job was only good for two days. A lot was at stake including the salary of my current job which I haven't claimed at that time. I also had booked activities which the scheduled gig falls but I was willing to drop it then. My friend who called me to do the task suggested that I need not give up work first but just call in that I won't make it to report on those days since it's not worth yet to give it up just for a two-day gig.

A week before that, I had a week-long leave from work due to fever so not showing up again for another two days will already lead to necessary disciplinary action or termination. It was a tough decision for me because I am torn between being practical over something that I wanted to do. Again, the practical mind won as I gave away the opportunity. Regrets? Perhaps...yes...but I believe that it might not yet be the right time or maybe it was..I don't know.. if it's really for me..God will always make a way and the universe will conspire as well!

Again, I'd like to thank my friend for trying and I look forward to work with you soon! :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bum Week turned Productive Week

Wedding Shower of Rob-Charisse and Aezel-April  
This week was Bum Week because I just usually stay at home for not feeling so well yet I could also say that I had the time of my life because it meant sleep and eat mode only. Actually, it wasn't totally a Bum Week 'coz I still equipped myself with some knowledge through attending yesterday's activities such as Dealer's Assembly in the morning (good thing it was such a late morning activity) and Mutual Funds & Stock Market Seminar. I believe all were investments so it was not a waste of time and money!

A week before that, I also get to meet old friends. My, how time flies! Some have changed and some haven't..not even a bit! But it truly was good to see them again!   Today was just spent doodling on the laptop: writing and surfing! Bum Week turned into a Productive Week after all! Looking forward to this week to be more productive! :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Choose to be Happy

Today is probably not one of the best days but despite being gloomy, I choose to get out and get things done! 'Didn't expect getting things done means that I get to smile still! Well, even if how funny a scene or video i read or watch, it still boils down to me whether I choose to laugh or smile over it. Praise God, I smiled and makes my day happier!

Times like these are the times that I could say that Facebook soothes me as I read and watch people's shout outs and posts..usually, it never fails to make me laugh! Yet, it still was my choice so praise God again!

So, the realization for today is Choose to be Happy! :-)

'Til my next blog!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reminded of Blessings

Just got news that a long-awaited second hand gift was no longer working and that it is impossible to use. "Huh? What happened? What now?" Of course whaI felt is inexplicable since I have been waiting for it for such a long time as promised. Have I not read an article on a Blind Father Who Saw Hope from my e-mail, I would have been more cranky until I get to sleep today. Thank God for that story, my heart melted and realized I still have a lot to be thankful even if I would not get what I want for now. It also reminded me of the people I am working with in Gawad Kalinga especially the homeowners and the kids, who with such simple acts of care already makes them happy. Once again, I recalled the countless blessings I have received which would still make me a sane and happy person!

The good news is, instead of that old phone that I longed for, I would still be given a new one though not the same brand anymore. Still, it is a blessing!

As a bonus, I am pasting the article here that inspired me today. Enjoy reading!

A Blind Man Sees Hope 
His father was born completely blind, eking out a living by working as a masseur in Antipolo.
His mother died when he was only 5 years old. His elder brother was born a special child. Juhnee (not his real name) spent his entire childhood in an orphanage in Silang, Cavite where the kindhearted nuns of Sisters of Mary provided for his elementary and high school education. After high school, he applied for and was granted scholarship in Civil Engineering in a private college in Laguna. He was so happy. He thought the time had come for him to grow his wings and face life’s battles by himself. The future finally is looking good. He found hope. So he said teary good-byes to the kind sisters. He left the orphanage and rented a tiny bed-space in a house near the college. Then for reasons he himself cannot understand, the college scholarship didn’t push through. But he had already enrolled when he learned the scholarship wasn’t coming anymore. Too late to enroll again in a public school, in any other government-run college. And he was too embarrassed to return to the orphanage. That’s one long, long series of life’s blows nobody deserves. He had sunk so low in the depths of despair that he asked himself if there really is a god of hope. Or any kind of god. But Juhnee’s father, hardened by years of deprivation and sustained by a living faith in God, wasn’t about to give up. Not when his son finally reached college. That’s when the father came across a missionary from Medical Missions Sisters.  The latter immediately referred Juhnee to Pag-asa ng Pamilya Scholarship Foundation, one of the partner organizations  KerygmaFamily supports. That was followed by a meeting among Juhnee, his father and one of our servant leaders. A meeting that resulted in Juhnee rediscovering what hope means. He got another college scholarship. No cancellation this time. He began to dream again. He began to hope again. Juhnee again realized that indeed there is a God. And He is a God of hope. I thank your faithful contributions. Because of you, Juhnee—and all these poor scholars—realize that there is indeed a God of hope.  May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez PS. To give your monthly donation to KerygmaFamily that supports Pag-asa ng Pamilya and many other partner ministries, click here now. 
 Source: Bo's KFam Report

Monday, July 4, 2011

Another Mentor To Look Forward To

Yesterday, I attended John Calub´s Money Magnet Seminar. I am blessed to have attended it since I have long planned attending it since February in Manila however due to some circumstances was not able to and finally I got to attend yesterday! I took to heart all of the things he thought and there was never a dull moment during the entire seminar except that I slept late the other night thereby there was a teeny weeny time that I was tempted to doze off. I fought it off and never missed any important point of his talk.

One of the mind blowing things that I learned during the seminar was the fact that Jesus was actually a human a carpenter. There were things that I should say as Robert Fulghum´s popular book title: All I really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten yet there were some that are really contrary to the what we learned or were programmed as a kid as well.

Next Saturday, John Calub will be back in Cebu this time at the SM Trade Hall to conduct the ¨Attracting Wealth Seminar¨. I was unable to take advantage of the promo price that was only available yesterday since I also have unavailable funds even for the reservation. Anyway, I am still looking forward to get in this coming July 9 whatever it takes. There would still be a next time though but the earlier the better, right? 

I am currently practicing the basic Money Magnet actions he has taught us and integrated as well with Bo Sanchez´s teachings. This way, I just see myself inside  SM City Cebu Trade Hall and listening and learning to the next step on how to Program my Mind to Success in 21 days!  As John says, ¨I have a multi-millionaire Mind, I say Yes to Success!¨

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What I love about Selling

Finally, I got a sale after 5 days of making a sales call and to top it off, our team got the highest number of sales for today! Woohoo! I still have a lot to learn when it comes to telemarketing but as I have said in my facebook status a few days ago, I am willing to embrace the challenge! I am beginning to love sales as well since the working hours are actually from Mondays to Fridays only. Weekends are off! (usually)I realize also that I have been selling already since I have several sideline businesses although not so hard but still the thought that selling has already been part of my life then, made me confident that I got the power to sell!

Commissions can go as high as six figures depending on the company´s policies and account. Anyway, there´s still along way to go when it comes to getting commissions so I just have to go with spiffs for now!

Way to go for all of us! :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Love..Books

Yesterday, I was strolling around National Bookstore while waiting for someone and again, aside from realizing that I love to go with trends, I have reminded myself of the fact that I really love to read but nowadays it seems impossible to read a book even for just a month. I usually finish a book in a week or two and now it´s been like 3-4 months already that I have not finished anything. Take note, I am reading 3 books at a time and have not done any of those, not even one! So, last night I did a list of 100 things that I am going to do ( I still lack 50) and one of them is to finish a book at least every week. I have not started my mission yet due to a lot of things to do. 

Anyway, I just want to share why I love books. I am more of a fan of fictional books. Yeah, you guess it right, the books I have not finished are actually sort of instructional or inspirational books or those that are not an easy read. Or maybe, I just don´t have the time yet! As I was saying what would really glue me to a book is how the story is being told. It should at least take my imagination to the setting of the story itself as if I was watching live of what was happening or I could imagine myself as one of the characters. I would really get hooked when I feel like I am already one of the characters. Well, aren´t books supposed to work that way? I believe every bookworm would agree! 

So, I hope I will have the time to read again and I will be sharing to you soon the books I have finished reading. I sure will do it because I will be constantly checking my list on what I have done already.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Market Trends

While waiting for a friend in national bookstore, I was browsing every book I could hold of and I would usually got stuck with books that entails self help and getting rich! Once again, I felt like I am in a dilemma of what I really want!

Then, it occurred to me that I really want almost everything especially when it comes to new trends. The moment I see something that is new I would more often than not try it and that's the time that I would realize if I'd want it forever or not. Usually, I would want to keep that way but then it's either I found another new trend or I could not afford it. But yeah, I usually cannot afford it. But since I learned about positive thinking and focusing on what you want, I would shove off the thought that I will never afford it instead I feed my mind that I could soon afford it. But the question is, how badly do I want it? or need it? If it's bad enough, then I go for it. However, there is a thin line between a want and a need so the practical side of me would sink in and think about it.

Now on the practical side, I stumbled upon the 2011's 10 trends that could help boost the business. According to the Business Insider, it could change our business. I know this is quite passe' since it's already the middle of the year now but I am writing this for my sake as well to remind me of these changes. I 've got businesses on the side and who knows it might actually help my career path too! Also, I believe it is also applicable in the Philippine business setting. So here they are and not according order:

1.  Creativity and Innovation is the Key - I believe we are not just creative imitators but great innovators as well. But when it comes to inventions and innovations, we just have to shop around for those businesses who are willing to go for creative minds because almost all of them will be favorable for these people!

2.. Opportunity Blossoms Again for Baby Boomers as they Age - I have heard about baby boomers back in my college textbooks but I just realized now that they are those with the same age as my mom's (yeah she's already a senior citizen but she doesn't look like one). Based on my observation, most business establishments make sure that they are senior friendly. And yes, there are gadget innovations as well that are already senior citizens-friendly! Way to go!

3. Travel and Tourism - I should say that there is a love-hate relationship between travel and tourism in the Philippines because the current events would somehow make a big impact especially if it deals with foreigners being taken as hostage,or a major calamity, etc. On a larger scale, Philippine tourism still spells big money as Filipinos get innovative on to attract more visitors!   

4. Online Shopping - more and more Filipinos are getting sales leads online or what they call as online traffic. Although majority still prefer shopping physically but for people on the go and for those who want to buy their favorite foreign brands and even those who want to buy overseas anywhere in the Philippines, this is the answer! 

5. Home Renovations and other establishments- our house is under repair and so were other houses in the neighborhood and of some friends. So, I reckon hardware stores are feasting as well as carpenters! Everywhere I see, condominiums and buildings are on the rise ready to be occupied as soon as they are done.

6. Healthcare - "What course are you taking?" a freshman would answer, "Nursing". It's still everybody's course in this country despite the rumors that its demand particularly in the US has declined. Since it is the number 1 high paying job outside the country. But people should open their eyes that there's more to healthcare than nursing. Peace!
7.Age of Man - as a member of a religious youth organization before, male headship was highly encouraged and I will not be surprised if men will dominate still in the corporate world despite the girl power thing.

8. Small and Green - I have been using organic products way back in 2009 and I haven't stop since then. I got my inspiration from fellow dealers of Human Heart Nature as well. It even inspired me to write a blog about it. Aside from going green as one of the trends today, it is somehow helping small farmers in planting healthier produce for environment's sake.

9. Luxuries at an affordable price - who wouldn't want that? We, Filipinos think practical more than ever. So a few renovations and value-added services in a business won't hurt but attract more clienteles and customers.

10. Physical Fitness - Zumba is one of the newest workout I've heard while I was in Australia and was amazed at how fast the traveled in the Philippines (I was only in Oz for a month). As people want to eat  healthier and become environmental advocates, they might as well include fitness in the package!

There's a lot more of trends and it is still changing even as I write it 'coz as I've said earlier this was from an old article. We just have to look around and surf so we will get a cutting edge in the market! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Sales Call

Today was our first day of Sales Call. Though it was not already my first time to dial such call, I still feel nervous the moment the customer answers our call. It felt fun yet nerve-wracking because it seemed all the things I´ve learned during training blanked out as if I was not trained at all! Before leaving for work, I had the chance to attend mass earlier this morning and was really asking God´s presence to guide me for this day. Only one got a real sale but almost everyone was about to get one if not for the downtime. I should say that I still need to get the hang of it especially in pitching the sale. I already got the hang of the Australian accent yet , I should admit that I still cannot pitch on what the customer wants.

Not bad for a first though..I was tempted of the idea of starting for a job hunt again. HowevermI just bear in mind of my goal which is to get 10sales per day..or 10k/day.. How about that? I am gonna make it because I will just do it! :-)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Awesome Kids Event!

The day was once again awesome as I attended the first GK Cebu SAGIP Conference where children ages 7-13 years old from the different GK sites of Cebu attended the momentous event! The kids showcased their talents through the SAGIP Got Talent followed by a version of Amazing Race after lunch. The started with a story telling type wherein the only child of a King and Queen got sick, in order for the princess to get well, some things are needed. So, the Royal Couple asked the help of the townspeople (the contenders) and whoever finds all of them first, shall be given a reward. The kids excitedly ran with their Ate´s and Kuya´s (Big Sisters and Brothers/Guardians) to find what they need. 

As one of the station managers, my task was to ask them to recite the Panatang Makabayan (Swear of allegiance to the Philippines recited during flag ceremonies before start of classes) before I could give them the item.

Anyway, it was followed by an inspirational talk by Kuya Jerdie and a sharing thereafter. The event ended with a Kids Praise which made the kids taught how to praise and worship before they leave.

I was once again touched by the kids whom I have never seen for such a long time yet still remembered me. It made my heart leap for joy and got excited again to visit the sites they live in just to bond with them (crossing my fingers that it will happen soon). Some of the GK sites missed the event but the good news is, we will bring the event to them! Yay! I hope to be able to join the group with these happenings (if the schedule permits, of course!). I will be posting pictures soon!

Feeling blessed and Happy!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Major Realization after the Truly Rich Seminar

I just came from the Truly Rich Club Seminar by Bo Sanchez and although I have read some of the topics he talked about in his articles, it still is a refresher for me and it makes me want to take action more. You see, I have been an avid subscriber of his Soulfood website and in fact, the mentors I chose now were endorsed by him. Yet, I admit, I have not fully invested due to lack of funds and with my financial status now, I have to prioritize my bad debts (long overdue). I don´t want to borrow money anymore even if it´s for a good investment. 

But the good news is I have an ongoing training in a company and I am just excited to start and earn commissions! Yes, I just got a job (praise God!) the other week! It would be quite a challenge since the nature of work is Telemarketing but I believe I can do it because I will make it work! Uh, I think that was from T. Harv Eker or Bo himself..I´m not sure..

One thing´s for sure now is that I will do my best to be one of the best employees and of course, I will be investing and saving while earning. my ultimate goal is to have at least 7 streams of income as a start! So, maybe next year it will triple! We´ll see...I´ll just do it! 

Take Bias for Action! --->this is one thing that I have to do and learned from the seminar!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Choosing To Stay Home

This weekend I missed two activities (I still would choose one of these if I did not give up both): Gawad Kalinga Leaders Conference in Bacolod and our SFC chapters's activity today. Yesterday was supposed to be my late Papa's birthday also. Of course, I chose to latter. I knew my Mama would have plans even if it's not a grand celebration or meal treat but there were some plans. Indeed, the whole family including cousins and other household members went to the Simala Shrine in Sibonga yesterday to visit and pay homage to the Miraculous Mama Mary. It is also our way of commemorating Papa's birthday since he loves to visit the shrine when he was still alive. 
If the activities have fallen on a different date (Papa's birthday), I would have gone to either of the two activities. Indeed it was a blessing in disguise that I could not afford at this time to travel or attend activities with fees (I sure can soon!). I love to travel or go out but sometimes I just want to stay home and do nothing or do something else worthwhile like writing this blog. No regrets...I chose to stay home this weekend. :-)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Thousand Reasons to Smile!

I looked at the mirror today inside the Ayala Mall and got frustrated seeing some red blemishes/rashes on my face. I got conscious as I went back from a toilet break. I hope they did not care though. On my way home, I already thought of putting in my Facebook status: "have 100 reasons to fret..." But I thought, "hmmm..hey I also have a thousand reasons to smile! Let me count the ways:
- had a blast during training
-a good confession
-catching up with friends
-business opportunities 
-bonding with family
-getting hired
-loved by people
-I got talent!
-cozy home,etc...
These are just a few of the countless reasons for me to smile. Ah, it feels so good indeed to count your blessings! Guess this will be a beginning of an endless chatter of  "What's Right With Me?" theme in this blog!

Choose to count your blessings! :-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Call Center Magic

It's been a long while since I have written on this dust collecting blog. The other night, I wrote on my tumblr blog that I should stop from thinking about what's wrong with me and just write on anything that has gone right or the positive things in life.

I am happy because I just started training in another BPO company which we were hired on a day shift! It's our second day today and it went well. It would be awesome especially when we meet old school mates or even friends from our previous jobs. The awkwardness was just for a few hours yesterday and then everyone was acting like we have been friends since babies. What I like about call centers is the magic of building relationships among the team. We grow together even with a slight competition. Even the times when the trainees are already distributed in different teams, the bond remains and you're lucky (which happens more often than not), the bond extends with the new team you have. Probably the major factor is the compensation you get as a BPO worker which gives the opportunity to bond more during payday (hehehe).

Whatever the factor is for such relationships to develop, I could say that such friendship is one of the best thing in any workplace. :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Travel Hangover...

Oh My! It's been a week since I came from Bantayan Island from the Bayani Challenge 2011 and six weeks since I came from  Australia! Approximately four months ago I came from Davao also but that was a different travel story because I attended a funeral. So, I 'm just thankful that I 've traveled a lot for the first quarter. Thank you God! The memories are priceless!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Australian Trip: Sydney Opera House

One of the most awaited tours I wanted to do in Sydney, Australia is to tour inside Sydney Opera House and yes, it was worth it! It  seems you haven't gone to Asutralia if yu haven't been to the Opera House. It was a dream come true.

 We were given audio sets by the tour guide so we can hear clearly as guided us and probably so as not to strain his voice  as well.

I was just amazed at the history and how such a simple sketch design submitted was selected. Well, If I were also part of those who screened the submitted designs, I bet I would have chosen it too. Thus, the challenge began including Jorn Utzon, the architect who submitted the design and took eight years to complete it.However, Utzon resigned as architect as a result of change in the government in 1966. Then on, he never returned to Australia and never witnessed the inaugurating of his once design initiative turn into Australia's major landmark.
Oh, sad story huh? However, much to our delight, before the tour ended, we were shown the Utzon Room which was the former Reception Hall and now re-designed by Utzon before he died. Way back in 1999, he was re-engaged as the  Sydney Opera House architect in collaboration with his son Jan and Sydney-based architect Richard Johnson. So, it still ended with a happy ending and we took away pictures for our memories at the end of the tour.

Next post will be the rest of our city tour in Sydney! :-)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Night of Letting Go

Last Friday night is what I call "A Night of Letting Go" because I just got news from my aunt that one of my uncles (one of their brothers) passed away due to lung cancer and as I was on my way home, I noticed that my bag was already open although I already had a bad hunch of the bubbly woman sitting beside me inside the jeep,all I did was turn away from her and clutching my bag and other things tightly yet, I no longer found my phones inside my bag when the jeepney was nearing Ayala. I set aside the idea that it was picked from my bag thinking I must've left it at the store. Much to my dismay, the next day, I could not find my phone pouch and even worse, my phones! It finally dawned on me that I was victimized again by pickpockets (I believe there were two of them). After 4 years of being freed from the traumatic experience of the Boodle Gang (God bless their souls) who smoothly took away also my two phones, here I am again, although less traumatized yet the thought of that I still lost my phones which i have most dearly treasured since 2007 has slipped through my hands.ouch..But I have to let go of it now and move on. Probably, I have mastered the art of letting go because it no longer hurts just as before. Maybe because I know I tried to do some safety precautions against the hag yet she still managed to slip her hand through my bag. As for my Uncle Edgar, he has been our music mentor especially when he stayed with us during his stint in Cebu. Knowing that he had cancer, I was planning to send him some alternative supplements but it was too late already because it was relayed to me that he was gone. It's really tempting to blame myself for not taking necessary actions right away but it would probably become a waste of time if I dwell much on the what if's of my situation. All I can do as for now is pray for his soul and for the souls of the pickpockets(I mean that they will be enlightened). Letting go? Yes. Moving on? It's the best option. :-)